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Kipo returned in the morning to the burrow, just to..Say goodbye for what she hoped not to be the last time. Wolf was awake, just having showered, her hair all frizzy. "Wolf~"

The human flinched, looking back, rushing to Kipo and hugging her. She realized what she did a second later, pushing herself away, "Hi."

Kipo's tail swayed from side to side slowly, the mute grabbing it, "Hi--" Kipo nervously smiled. "How'd you sleep-?"

"Okay.." Wolf lightly shrugged. "You?"

"I didn't sleep actually-- I was making battle plans, and I need you for my next one." Kipo uttered. "If you'd join me?"

Wolf nodded slowly, "Yeah, yeah I'll go get ready."

Kipo tipped her head forward, "I'll wait for you outside Pup."

"Mhm.." Wolf walked off.

Kipo's ears fell back, the mute glancing down, "Ah..Young love.." Benson sighed.

"..." Kipo glared at him, grabbing his throat with her paw. "Say it again I dare you."

"Y--Young- Gurk- Love--"

Kipo dropped him, sighing, sitting down, "I can't tell her."

Benson coughed, sitting down by Kipo, "It's easy-- Cough-"

"No, it isn't. I only know war, Benson. I don't know relationships, I only know close family and battles." Kipo snarled. "I wish I could tell Wolf, but I'll just start rambling about all the fights I've won or the ones I've tied in.."

Benson pat her back, "Then, get to know what she likes..Talk about it with her."

Kipo's ears perked up, the mute snapping and pointing to Benson, "I like that idea! Thank you, I'll get you like cheese or something from my Aunts-" Kipo scrambled up, jogging to the wall. "Hoag! Open the doors!"


Kipo walked with Wolf to the woods, but before they could get to her aunts, they had to rest. "What do you like, Wolf?" Kipo asked, looking over at the human.

"Uh..You I guess.." Wolf mumbled. "I don't really like stuff.."

"What--" Kipo thought back on what Benson said. "Uhm-- I- Have nice paws-"

Wolf looked up at her, "You do.."

Kipo called it out, offering it to her. Wolf took Kipo's paw, feeling her paw pads, putting pressure on one. Her claw came out, Wolf ooing quietly. "That's impressive Kipo." Wolf smiled slightly.

"Hah- Mhm-" Kipo tried to grab her tail. "Thank you-"

Wolf moved her arm, leaning against Kipo, wrapping the mute's paw around her waist. "Just for a few minutes.."

Kipo covered her face, her ears drooping down, "I would kill for you Wolf-"

"I'll like..Give you a hug if you let me sleep for ten..Maybe twenty minutes.."

Kipo scooped her up, sitting Wolf in her lap, patting her head. "I will accept the proposal."

Wolf relaxed, sighing quietly, "You should rest too Kipo, the sun will set in a bit. You haven't slept.."

Kipo looked around, getting up with Wolf, walking over to a tree, scratching at the bark. Hollow. She slid in, putting her back to the hole, humming quietly. "Will this work for a temporary hideout?"

"..Is..Is your shirt obvious..?"

"My cape is black. It will cover the hole I made."

Wolf nodded slowly, nuzzling up in to the crook of Kipo's neck. "Night.."

Kipo trilled quietly, nuzzling her cheek, "Night my little Wolfie.."


Wolf awoke to a low growl, the girl gripping whatever she was holding. She opened her eyes, still pretty dark. Only thing she could make out, was a pair of glowing eyes. "Kipo--"

"Shh." The mute hushed, covering Wolf's mouth.

Kipo hesitantly moved back, pulling Wolf over quickly, covering the girl with her cape. A clattering caught Wolf's attention, a small hiss following it. Flamingo. "Currik.." It chirped, sliding it's beak in the hole.

It took a glance around, pulling back and squawking at their other head. Then it flew off. "Kipo--"

The mute shook her head, hushing her once more. Crunching. "Damnit."

Whatever was there pulled out an object made of metal and something else, whistling and firing their weapon. The Mega flamingo screeched, the being taking off. Wolf glanced up at Kipo, the mute hesitantly moving the cape down.

The part-mute peeked out, pushing Wolf out of her lap gently, getting out. She dragged a fallen tree over, sliding back in the hole, pulling the tree closer. "Safer.."

Wolf backed up against the bark, Kipo sighing quietly. "The second the sun rises, we have to get moving."

"Or, we could use the night to cover ourselves."

"Flamingos are diurnal. If they're out now, they won't be out in the morning. Even if they are, they won't attack. They'll eat." Kipo called all her paws out, laying down. "Come, back to sleep. We have, maybe three hours left. Let's not waste it."

Wolf sighed, nodding and going over to Kipo. She lied down, Kipo keeping her from touching the dirt. "Aren't you uncomfortable?" Wolf asked.

"As long as you're here with me, I'll be comfortable." Kipo's tail pulled Wolf a little closer, drawing little circles on her back. "Night Wolfie.."

"..Night Kipo.."

To be continued.

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