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Come dawn, Kipo had finished her talk with the Timbercats. "Molly, are there any cats that are currently in the process of birth?" Kipo asked.

"Uh..Two.." Molly recalled. "Just two, everyone else is ready for battle."

Kipo nodded slowly, "Which ones? We should take them to the burrow with the others to be safe.."

Molly hummed, "I'll be back with them, count up the kittens. I'll return shortly." Molly hopped off the ledge, sliding down it with her claws.

Kipo looked over the ledge, kittens under fifteen were messing about with others their age. Many were panicking or upset, others were unaware of their situation and having fun. Kipo checked the list Molly handed her, counting up the kittens, one missing.

She read the paper again, then looked at her tail, "There you are."

The kitten nibbled on her tail, hanging from it, drooling all over it. "Mew!"

"You're teething hm?"

The kitten purred, gazing up at Kipo, then used it's gums to bite Kipo. This time it actually hurt, as this kid had a death grip. Kipo yowled, turning abruptly, the kitten letting out a mew as it fell down to the ground, landing on all fours.

He paused, then pounced on to another cat, biting them instead. "I..I think that's all the cats.."


Kipo had the help of mole mutes who helped dig a faster and more secret tunnel to the burrow, having guided them to somewhere with more food as a jagaur and returned to the group. "Forty-nine and..Fifty." Kipo hit the kitten on her tail. "Gunther, drop."

He let go, biting his shirt, looking over at Mandu. She too was teething, and she had a Dave hand in her mouth. Gunther yowled, pouncing on her and fighting for Dave's arm. "Thank you Hoag, beware of Gunther, he bites." Kipo handed him the list. "We will provide the food for them, we just require your time and burrow."

Hoag snatched the list, glaring at Kipo and examining the list, "And you expect us to go through with this?"

"Molly has prepared the torture chamber if you'd rather go there--" Kipo pointed back. "I-I can take you right now if you-"

"No! No. That'll be all. You can go fight or whatever." He muttered.

Kipo bowed, "Hoag, care for these kids as your own. You shall be repaid when the battle is over."

He waved her off, turning and waving the kittens over. The teens and the two mother's helped Hoag guide the kittens to a different place in the burrow, Kipo sighing. "Kipo?"

The mute looked to her left, kneeling down, "Yeah Wolfie?"

"Don't call me that, and are you going to be okay?"

Kipo hesitated, "If I say no-"

"I'm coming with you."

"..And if I say yes--"

"I'm still coming with you."

Kipo sighed, "Wolf, you're human. You're fragile, easy to hurt, heal slowly. Please, I need to know you'll be safe here." Kipo gripped Wolf's shoulders. "Please Wolf. Stay here, I want you to be okay. I want you to be alive when I come back."

Wolf shook her head, "If I'm going to die, I'll die fighting."

"No!" Kipo hissed. "I won't loose someone to another war-- Please Wolf- I-I already lost my alpha- I can't handle losing someone important--" Kipo shook Wolf gently. "I need you to stay here, help care for the pups and kittens.."

Wolf stumbled in to Kipo's grasp, hugging her, gripping her shirt. Kipo hugged her back tightly, keeping her left on around Wolf's waist, her right behind her head. Kipo's tail slowly wrapped around Wolf's waist, never wanting to let her go. "..I'll stay..But you better come back Kipo.."

"I make no promises Wolf..But I'll try my best to come back to you.." Kipo held Wolf tighter. "Just promise not to leave the burrow..You'll stay here safe, helping the others.."

Wolf nodded slowly, "What are you going to do first..?"

Kipo pushed her back gently, caressing her cheek, "I'm going to put down the dogs."

To be continued.

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts AU. Where stories live. Discover now