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Kipo, woke up. Sticking to what they said, Song and Lio told Billions first that Kipo awoke, but he was the fourth person to see her up. When they got to the room, Wolf was already there, snuggled up with Kipo. "Wolf--"

"I heard." She uttered, side nuzzling Kipo's shoulder. "You're not very quiet, Lio."

Billions limped over, feeling Kipo's hair, the pink fading. "How are you feeling?"

"Uhm.." Kipo's voice was hoarse, she sounded like she ate sandpaper in the last week. "I don't feel..Dead..?"

Billions smiled, "That's a start. What else?"

"I feel weak.."

"Figured as much. You're no longer a mute.." Billions moved her hair back. "But we're figuring it out."

Kipo nodded slowly, nuzzling Wolf's fluffy hair, "Mm.." She squeezed the human, sighing quietly. "Everything is so quiet.."

"Is it nice?" He pulled a chair over, sitting.

Kipo thought for a second, then shook her head, "I feel cut off..And I've got phantom tail- It's so much colder now?-"

Billions hushed her, Wolf moving aside while he pulled Kipo close. She teared up, nuzzling into his fur. "We'll try to fix things Kipo..For now, since you need to focus on healing..You're going to the goats.."

Kipo shook her head, gripping his turtleneck. "Wait-" Kipo pulled back, wiping her eyes. "Where's?- H-He- A-And Molly?-"

"Kipo, we don't know. What we do know, is that Emilia is dead, Scarelegmane is locked up in a cage, and the others are still topside." Billions lightly pat her head. "Kipo, you can't stay here. You need to go, you're stable enough to move but you're just a human now.."

She shook her head, sniffling and wiping her tears, "Back then that's all I ever wanted to be..- B-But I feel weaker! Billions I-I can't hear like I used to- Breathing is so much.. Heavier?- I want to go home- Billions I want to go home--"

He glanced at the others, waving them out. Silently, they did, Wolf being a bit hesitant to, but she did, closing the door. "Kipo..Kitten.." He rubbed her back. "We don't have the Observatory anymore..But we have eachother..Isn't that better..?"

She sighed quietly, relaxing into him, "Yeah..Yeah.."

"Kipo, since the first day you joined our pack I've always loved you. You were that one piece the pack needed to stick together. Before you came, your Papa couldn't keep us..Grounded per say, and we hated eachother. Til you arrived that next day.."

She nodded slowly, "I remember small parts.."

Billions gently scratched her neck, ruffling her hair, "Every day we cared for you, and every day we came closer together..Kipo, we might not be together now, but we will be later..I promise..For now, you rest. When you wake up, you'll be on route to your aunts.."

"Okay..I'll..I'll just rest for now.." Kipo closed her eyes, humming softly. "..My throat feels empty.."

"Yes, you can't purr anymore."

Kipo huffed, "One thing I actually wish stayed..Now gone..!"


"Kipo, wake up!"

The girl flinched, turning slightly and burrowing her nose in the pillow. She was smacked behind her head, jolting up, feeling her phantom tail grab the wrist before her. "Wolf! That's very rude!!"

"I was trying to wake you for like, ever! We're here.."

Kipo looked around, "What the heck did you do-"

"Kidnapped a mega bunny's baby." Wolf slid off its back, pulling Kipo off. "Spare clothes in the bag, let's go."

Confused, Kipo let herself be dragged, the mega baby bunny scampering around. "But Mama is dead--"

"Yeah but Papa isn't." Wolf uttered, moving the bushes. "Here. Shower gyms."

Wolf slid off the backpack she wore, handing it to Kipo who held it behind herself as she and Wolf walked to the locker rooms. The two had to shower in stalls six spots apart since some didn't work and if they did they'd spew out swamp water.

So once they were all clean, dressed in clean clothes, Kipo and Wolf went off memory to find the goats. Cause they weren't about to risk getting eaten again. Kipo flinched at the thought, stopping. "What's wrong?"

"...-" Kipo shook her head, clicking her tounge and picking Wolf up. "No. No.."

"Kipo- What do you mean no-? Kipo let go--"

She shook her head, "Last time we were here, we got eaten and you came out unconscious. I'll take the brunt of it, I don't want you getting hurt again.."

"Kipo, as much as I hate to say it.. You're just a human now..You can't take the brunt of it anymore.." Wolf cupped her cheek. "Put me down, it'll be safer to walk side by side.."

Kipo squeezed Wolf, pulling her head down to her shoulder, "...Just for a bit then..."



Wolf sighed, then nodded. "Just for a bit.."

To be continued.

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts AU. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt