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Wolf fell asleep in Kipo's arms and awoke, on a bed. "Hm..." Wolf sat up, rubbing her eyes.


Wolf tiredly looked to her left, Kipo sitting in a chair by her, kissing her forehead. "Kipo..?"

"Hm! How are you feeling? You've been asleep for quite awhile!" Kipo pulled her closer to the edge of the bed, hugging the smaller girl.

Wolf leaned against her, sighing quietly, "Still tired.."

"Too bad, my aunts made breakfast." Kipo picked her up. "Hold on."

Wolf merely did as she was told, being taken out of the room and around the corner, then outside where breakfast was set. "Morning." Bev greeted. "Sit and eat."

Kipo set Wolf down in a stool, ruffling her hair, "Kipo, quit it.."

"Fine fine~" Kipo gave her a gentle squeeze. "I'll be back. You better have started breakfast by the time I've returned."

"Yeah yeah." Wolf waved her off.

Kipo left quickly, Wolf being left with the goats. Yet they said nothing, and they all quietly ate. "HOLY MUTE--!! BEV!!"

The goat stood, walking around the table and going to the place she heard Kipo's shout come from. A commotion began, Wolf ignoring it and continuing to eat, like the other goats. About five minutes later, they finished, put their dishes away, and went to see what was wrong.

Kipo, had her paws back. Except, they weren't really back. They were, smaller, claws were dull, and they weren't all pink. They were the same color as her skin, and her prints fit her color pallet. Except the rings, the rings on her patterns were pink, dull, but still pink.

"Hey-" Wolf went over, cupping Kipo's face. "Hey, relax. Don't start panicking, this is a good thing."

Kipo bit back a whine, lowering her head, shaking it lightly. "I need to get back then.."

"Kipo, you can't..We don't know if this is temporary, you can go out and immediately change back in the middle of war.." Wolf gently guided her to kneel down. "It'll be okay, we wait it out for a day or two more then go back. Hm? We came so you could relax, and heal.."

She shook her head, "But Billions--"

"He would be glad you're mute again! But he'd still want you to rest.." Wolf caressed her cheek. "And that's what you're going to do. Okay? Kipo?"

The, finally mute again, took in a small breath. "Okay.."


Kipo still couldn't purr, she couldn't go mega, and couldn't hiss. Her paws, tail, and night vision came back. "How are you feeling?" Wolf looked up.

"Hup-" Kipo jumped up, grabbing a branch. "Better! I miss the pink."

Wolf smiled, "I miss it too. But this color is nice as well!"

Kipo backflipped off the branch, landing on all floors, grinning up at Wolf. "Still works!"

"And, what would have happened if it didn't?" Wolf pat her head.

"Well. I would have done a somersault." Kipo got up, shaking her hand to send away her paw, wrapping her arm around Wolf's waist. "Or I would've broken a bone."

Wolf winced slightly when Kipo kissed her forehead, the mute carefully picking Wolf up. "Where are you going now, Kipo?" Wolf sighed.

"To bed. I have an excuse to nap again. I'm still a big cat, and they nap for 78 minutes to 118. So that's what I'm going to do. And you're going to join me."

"I don't have a choice?"

"You don't have a choice!"

While Kipo took Wolf to nap, Billions, had set to break down the mandrel. "Why are you doing this.." Scarelegmane growled.

"You are aware, back then, humans took in wild horses yes?" Billions pulled Scarelegmane up, leaning him against the chair. "They would gain their trust, and force them around til they got the hang of it. But..I don't have time for that.."

Billions slid on a glove, ears falling back, "And I don't plan on playing nice.."


Scarelegmane wouldn't admit it, but it felt good. He was searched for fleas and ticks, then scratched on his neck once or twice since he couldn't move his arms, and was put on a watchful eye in the coldest part of the cave while Billions went to go wash off.

Once that was done, Billions, set to annoy. "..Are you still evil?"

"Yes." Scarelegmane looked to wolf.

"..How about now?"

Scarelegmane blinked, "Yes.."

Billions lied down. "Are you still evil now?"

"..Is this a joke."

"Deeeepeeennnddss." Billions howled. "Are you willing to join in?"

Scarelegmane shrugged, leaning back, "I managed Kipo for a week. What's a day with a wolf?"

Billions hummed, flipping over. "..Are you still evil?"


"How about now?"




"Are you evil?"

"Very much so."

"Are you spooky?"

"To children yes."

"Are you evil?"


"Can you flip back your eyelids?"

"Yes- Wait what?"

"Can you flip back your eyelids." Billions huffed. "Can you?"

"No. I can not."

Billions blinked, then shrugged, looking around before looking to Scarelegmane. "Are you evil still?"


He was wrong. Very wrong. Holy mute was this guy insane. Billions couldn't shut up. First he asked if Scarelegmane was still evil, then he'd go into a lengthy theory about space, ask if Scarelegmane as evil, and keep going. He was driving the mandrel insane.

Billions placed the final puzzle in its place, "And that's why I think the big bang has happened before." Billions clasped his paws together. "Are you still evil?"

"Wuh-?" Scarelegmane zoned back in, jerking up. "Ugh..I hate you.."

Billions blinked, "Did you not hear me?"

"I did- I definitely did.."

"Oh? What was your favorite part?"

Scarelegmane thought for a second. He had listened for like, 0.2 seconds and that was because something fell outside the room. "Uh..The part where you shut up.."

"I hated that part." Billions shook his head. "I'll tell you again!"

"AUGH FINE! I GIVE!!" Scarelegmane yelled. "Just please hush up--"

"Yay!" Billions sat up, tail wagging. "I knew I could get you to break! Now. In all seriousness." He stood, clearing his throat. "You..Owe me a new observatory.."

To be continued.

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