Kipo. [1]

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Wolf walked up ahead, leading the way today. "The observatory could be a good place to check today.." Benson said, patting Lio's shoulder.

"Absolutely not." Wolf said.

"And why is that?" Lio asked.

She stopped walking and looked back at them. "It's filled with dangerous mutes. Unless you want to die, be my guest and go ahead." Wolf huffed.

"Sheesh. Dark much?" Dave scoffed.

"Okay. Fine. We'll go. But if Dave gets left behind, we're not going back and getting him. Deal?"

"Deal." Everyone said not including Dave and Mandu, the pig snorted in agreement.


"We've got all the other stuff down. Now we address the Alpha." Wolf said.

"And our Alpha is..You?–" Lio questioned.

"No Lio, it's you. These wolves are well..Really big nerds. And you're the smartest one, you know about math, science, and galleries–"


"Whatever! You're going to be our Alpha, and bug. If you step out of line, let's just say it won't go well." Wolf huffed.

"Maybe you should change out of..That.." Benson said, signaling to Wolf's cloak.

"I'm not going."

"Well, you're coming. So take that off and leave your precious 'Stalkie' here too." Lio said.

She groaned and obliged. "Maybe you should tell us your name." Benson said.

"Uh yeah. My name is Bone Ripper." She huffed.

"That is– Actually pretty cool." Dave said.

"We are not calling you that." Lio said, Mandu huffing in agreement.

"Why don't you guys just pick one for me?"



"To bad Jolene!" Dave snickered.

They continued walking, slowly making their way to the Newton Wolves.

                      ~With Kipo~

'Bored bored bored..' Kipo thought, her tail swaying from side to side slowly.

"Alpha! Come quickly! It's urgent!" Billions said. [The dark blue one]

"Urgent?" She questioned, getting off her throne like chair.

She put her hood on, covering her face and jaguar ears. Then she fixed her cape, hiding her tail. She followed Billions not to far behind him, but also not to close. He opened the door for her, and there stood 3 humans and 2 mutes. "What's going on?" Kipo questioned, mixing her regular voice with her jagaur.

"We think they're a pack. A really weird one..But still a pack.." The other Billions said.

"Which one is the Alpha?" Kipo questioned, fixing her posture.

"I–" Lio said before he was inturrupted.

"I am. And my name is...Bone Ripper." Dave said, winking at his friends.

Kipo was not convinced. "Charming." Kipo said sarcastically. "Who is the actual Alpha?" Kipo asked.

Lio bowed. "I am honored to be in your presence." He said.

Kipo snuck a glance at Wolf, finding her quite mysterious. The mute looked over at Billions, signaling him to ask them a few questions. "What knowledge do you wish to share?" He asked. [Dark Blue]

"Knowledge..? Well, I know about galaxies, science, math, uh–"

"Sharing. Not explaining human." He snarled.

"Galaxies are composed of stars, dust and dark matter, all held together by gravity." Lio said, rather quickly to be honest.

"Dark matter you say? Hm.." The other Billions said.

He looked over at Kipo, who gave him a nod as she walked back inside. "Would you like to join us for dinner?" He asked.

"Doesn't seem like they want us.." Wolf mumbled, signaling to Kipo.

"She's a bit..Under the weather right now.." Billions said.

Lio nudged Wolf. "Yes, we would love to accompany guys for dinner."

"Come along then." The other Billions said, walking inside.

He lead them to the dining room, where Kipo already was. She was on her throne like chair, watching them as they entered. "Introductions are mandatory. So if you would, please introduce yourself." Kipo said.

"I am Lio Oak, pleasure to meet you." He said, bowing once more.

"I'm Benson! This is Dave, the guy who said his name was Bone Ripper earlier. We are so sorry." Benson said.

Mandu squealed, nudging him. "And this is Mandu.." He said, scratching her chin.

"And her?"

She grumbled. "Jolene.." She huffed.

"I appreciate the introductions. You may be seated.." Kipo said, signaling to the dinner table.

Wolf didn't move, she stayed put. "Something bothering you Jolene?" Kipo questioned.

"What about your name? We introduced ourselves, now it's your turn." Wolf said.

"Kipo. My name is Kipo." The mute said.

Wolf walked to the last remaining seat after the others stopped fighting. "Newton Wolves, you may be seated." Kipo said, signaling to the table.

They all walked over in a calm manor, sitting in their assigned seats. "Billions and Billions. If you would be so kind to get dinner?"

They bowed and rushed to the kitchen. They quickly returned, and served everyone. Everyone, except Kipo. She only ate when she was alone, and now that there are many people, it would be a difficult task. "Would you like to stay the night?"

Lio looked over at her. "The night? Are you sure? We're a big group."

"I'm aware. We have multiple rooms available, once dinner has completed. You may all go pick one." Kipo said. "And I'd appreciate, if you two would stop fighting. We do not fight unless it is absolutely necessary." Kipo said, signaling to Benson and Dave.

"Cut it out you two!" Lio huffed.

They stopped fighting, and snatched their plates. Mad that Mandu got the best chair.

                     To be continued.

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