I Want Kisses Too

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About two weeks ago, Nico and Will found the perfect house in New Rome for them.

They had people helping to decorate the house, Leo especially enjoying this new project.

Since, to Percy, they were still looking for a house, it wasn't exactly hard to find out how he'd want to decorate. Percy didn't seem suspicious, he just thought they were asking for the future, or because they were interested.

They were partway through the nursery, happy with what they had produced so far.

Percy returned from one of his swims to find Nico and Will cuddled together on the bed, looking exhausted.

He smiled, face lighting up as they smiled back at him, going and lying down next to them.

Nico, who was in front of him with Will's arms wrapped around his waist, leaned in for a kiss.

The kiss lasted about five seconds before Will whined, wanting kisses too.

They both laughed, taking it in turns to kiss Will, watching his cheeks turn a light pink as all attention was on him.

He grinned lazily at them, his face full of love.

They both placed a kiss on Will's cheek before settling back down, all of them finding a way for their hands to touch Percy's belly.

Will woke up the next morning startled, never having had a dream that severe.

He turned to his left, finding Percy and Nico leaning against the headboard of the bed, huddled close together as they talked.

Will whimpered, drawing their attention straight to him.

It wasn't long until two pairs of arms wrapped around him, comforting him, grounding him.

With a shaky sigh did he reach out for Percy's stomach, placing both hands lightly on top of it before leaning down and placing a quick kiss on it.

Looking up, he met eyes with Percy, Percy already knowing what his dream must have been about.

"It's okay Will. I'm safe, I'm okay. Asher is okay. We're all okay. We're all safe."

Will nodded, the information not really reaching him however.

Nico smiled reassuringly as he reached out to wipe away the stray tears on Will's face, kissing his nose after he did so.

Will couldn't help but smile, finding it adorable that Nico always insisted on kissing his nose when he was sad.

It worked though, it never failed to cheer him up.

Mostly because of how silly he found it, but Nico didn't need to know that.

Percy had started feeling a bit nauseous - something that wasn't uncommon for him - so Will and Nico had gone to get him some water, deciding to get breakfast for the three of them as well.

When they returned, Percy pouted, wanting to jump up and run for the water but he couldn't. That would just make him feel even worse.

He smiled gratefully at Nico as he handed him a glass of water, watching them sit opposite him on the bed.

Will crossed his legs, placing the plate of food on his lap and taking a bite of one of the pancakes.

Will had fancied some bacon this morning but didn't want to make Percy throw up.

Percy felt bad. He hated that sometimes they couldn't eat what they wanted just because the scent made him throw up.

Percy thanked Nico as he passed him his yogurt, watching as he ate the bit of pancake Will offered him.

Percy took a few small sips of his water before placing it on the nightstand, taking the spoon Nico offered him.

They ate in comfortable silence, none of them planning on breaking it.

Once they were finished, Nico headed back to the dining Pavilion with their stuff.

When he returned, they waited for Percy to get ready so they could head to Big House.

Nico had a class to teach today whilst Will had a slightly longer shift at the infirmary.

Percy was going to help Chiron with some paperwork, having been excused from training and classes.

When they got to the Big House, they gave each other a quick goodbye kiss before going their separate ways.

I'm Still Here (Rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora