Do You Love Me Like You Say You Do

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Leo awoke to the sound of his alarm clock, regretting ever proposing the idea to Chiron.

Why couldn't Chiron just decline the suggestion?

Leo rolled over, his fist connecting with the alarm clock, sighing in relief as silence washed over him.

Leo got out of bed and started getting ready for the day, not noticing the fire on his nightstand.

Leo turned around, hearing somebody shout his name only to find angry cabinmates and a flaming alarm clock.

"Oh, sorry." Rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact with anyone, Leo got to work on putting out the fire, quickly checking if anyone was hurt.

Someone sighed, drawing Leo's attention to them.

"Leo," pausing to take a deep breath Nyssa continued, "we love you, we really do. But please, stop setting your alarms on fire."

Leo nodded, still wondering if they loved him as much as they said they did.

Was there really anything to love?

Once the fire was out, Leo left the cabin, heading straight for the dining Pavilion.

Leo was lost in thought, not paying attention to his surroundings which resulted in him walking into a wall, his head beginning to pound as it connected with the ground.

"Woah, you okay there firebug?"

Only two people called him that, Hazel and-

"Frank." Leo felt stupid, having mistaken Frank for a wall, "Uhm yeah, I'm fine. My head hurts a little but I'll deal. Sorry for bumping into you. I didn't see you there."

Hazel giggled, her laugh filling the air and warming Leo's insides, making butterflies appear in his stomach.

"You really need to stop zoning out firebug. We were just on our way to the dining Pavilion, you coming?"

Leo nodded, taking Hazel's offered hand and allowing her to pull him along, dazed.

Once they got to the dining Pavilion, they made a beeline for the Poseidon table where the rest of the seven, Nico and Will were sat. Percy wasn't there, presumably still in his cabin.

Chiron had decided they could sit where they wanted with who they wanted, the godly tables forgotten.

They sat down and summoned their breakfasts, quickly heading over to sacrifice some of their food before asking the others where Percy was when they returned.

"He's probably still sleeping. You know how Seaweed Brain is." As she said that, Annabeth sent a quick glance into direction of the Poseidon cabin.

Leo didn't understand how they were still on such good terms after their break up.

Half way through breakfast, Percy finally showed up, his hair messy and clothes disheveled.

He did indeed look like he had only just woken up.

He sat down opposite of Nico and Will, summoning his usual blue pancakes for breakfast.

As they ate they talked, Percy joining in every so often.

He was a lot quieter these days, preferring to keep his head low.

Once Percy had finished with his breakfast, he let out a small 'goodbye' before heading to the arena, apparently having a class to teach.

Nico and Will watched him walk away with worried looks, both having noticed him sacrifice more than half of his food.

They all quickly finished eating, heading off to their first activity, whether it was teaching a class or trying not to get trampled by angry Pegasi. (Leo definitely didn't have anything to do with the angry Pegasi.)

By the time lunch rolled around Percy was nowhere to be found, something that worried the others greatly.

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