Get Me Breakfast

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Waking up every morning as a child of Apollo was not fun.

It was like they all had built in alarm clocks. Maybe their dad just wanted them all to see him fly across the sky every morning.

Groaning, Will got out of bed and got ready for the day knowing he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep any time soon. Judging by the various noises coming from around the room, his siblings were doing the exact same thing.

He decided to head to the infirmary to get some work done before breakfast.

By the time the conch horn blew, he'd lost track of how long he'd been there for. Over time, several of his siblings had come and gone, all trying to get some paperwork done before breakfast.

Blinking groggily, Will made his way to the dining Pavilion, keeping an eye out for a certain son of Hades along the way. Seeing as he couldn't find him he assumed he was either already there or still in his cabin getting ready.

As he passed the Poseidon cabin, he spotted Percy talking to Grover outside, catching Percy's eye just about.

Percy smiled shyly, bringing his hand up to wave slightly, turning back to Grover as he saw Will smile back.

Grover laughed, causing Percy to playfully push him backwards before they both broke out into laughter.

Arriving at the dining Pavilion, Will looked over at the Hades table, finding Nico already there eating his breakfast with his back turned.

With a smile on his face did Will head over to Nico, trying not to make any sudden moves.

He didn't fancy getting judo flipped again.

Will took a seat next to Nico, unable to find it in himself to walk around the table.

Will placed his arms on the table, leaning down to rest his head on them, looking up at Nico from beneath his lashes.

Nico rolled his eyes as Will batted his eyes at him, refusing the urge to smile.

Will grinned when he saw the little smile Nico tried to hide from him.

He leaned up to place a kiss on Nico's cheek, watching the light shade of pink rise to his cheeks.

Nico scowled, leaning over and placing his own kiss on Will's cheek, sticking his tongue out at him as he too went red.

They had had a talk about their relationship last night.

Despite having originally bonded over their feelings for Percy, both had developed feelings for the other too.

Today was their first day as an actual couple, something that felt weird even just thinking about.

Will lay his head back down on the table, continuing to stare up at Nico.

Nico rolled his eyes, his smile actually hidden this time.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

Will had to turn his head slightly to hide his grin at the snarky tone.

Once his grin had died down, Will turned back to look up at Nico with an expectant look.

"Yes. Yes you could. Get me breakfast." He demanded.

"I could, but I won't."

Will scowled, wondering why Chiron had to take away their magic plates.

They did enough training as it was, they didn't need to fetch their own breakfast too.

"Why not?" Will pouted, hoping to win Nico over.

"Because," he drawled, "you only have to walk like ten steps. If that. I have to walk all the way around this very long table. So no."

Will went to explain about how they were sat right next to each other and that Nico was closer when Nico disappeared, reappearing across the table.

Will's jaw dropped, his words refusing to come out.

"But-but that's not fair."

Nico smirked, loving the whiny tone in Will's voice.

"I'll get you breakfast Will."

Will turned around, finding Percy stood behind him with a small smile on his face.

"If you don't mind, that would be lovely." He said.

As soon as Percy's back was turned, Will turned back to look at Nico, his face smug.

Nico scowled, angrily eating a spoonful of cereal.

Unfortunately, Demeter had started to wear off on him. He now had a weird obsession with cereals.

Percy returned, a plate full of food clutched tightly in both hands, as if he was worried he was going to drop it.

He placed the food in front of Will before taking the seat next to him, smiling happily at Nico seated across from them.

Nico smiled back, watching as Percy's face lit up, looking oddly giddy.

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