Meet Me In The Clearing

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Grover was worried about Percy. He's been through so much and yet he tries to act like nothing happened. He's keeping it all bottled up inside.

It doesn't help that he knows people still talk about him when he's not there. It's really not helping his self-esteem any.

The frustrating part is that he doesn't realise they're all good things, most campers just preferring to stop they're conversations whenever he's close by.

After seeing him barely interact with the others during breakfast, Grover went to look for him. Percy didn't have a class to teach right now so he'd obviously lied.

Grover knew as much about Percy as he knew about him, having been best friends since Percy was twelve. Whatever Grover didn't know about Percy, Percy tried to tell him, knowing Grover gets worried.

Grover made his way to the clearing in the woods where they usually go to talk, away from listening ears and prying eyes. They found it during Percy's second summer at camp, after they got back from the quest.

The clearing was absolutely beautiful. There was even a waterfall nearby which just made Percy love the place even more.

It really was cool. Unique. Undamaged.

Looking around, Grover spotted Percy in the middle of the clearing lying on his back, just staring up at the sky.

Shaking his head with a fond smile on his face, Grover made his way over to him, deciding to join him on the ground. He looked at him and then at the sky, basking in the comfortable silence.

After a while of them just staring up at the sky, Percy slowly held his hand out for Grover to take. Grinning, he did just that, feeling an odd sense of pride wash over him.

"Grover," Percy's voice was quiet, timid almost, "thank you."

Grover smiled softly, squeezing Percy's hand for assurance.

"Of course Perce. You know I'll always be here for you."

After that they just stayed there, cuddled up together as they stared up at the sky.

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