Cassius couldn't help but thank Lilith. The way she was just so prepared and intelleginent he couldn't help but fall for her more. "Then let's head over."

The walk took 15 minutes and thankfully it seems like everyone was inside. There were occasional homeless monsters who gave them the dirty eye but other than that, the looks that Victoria gave them were enough to scare them off.

By the time they arrived at the hotel, Cassius couldn't help but cough, which resulted in blood. And Lilith was immediately by his side checking up on him.

"Sorry it's just that walk apparently took more out of me that I thought possible." Cassius said.

The hotel was decent just as Lilith said. The place had nice colors; however, it was better than a bad sketchy hotel. Once they went to there room Victoria and Cassius did not expect for there to be two rooms in their hotel room.

The layout was a small size but still manageable and it smeled good inside. The colors of white and brown made this place feel like home.

"Lilith, you didn't have to get two rooms. Wasn't this expensive?" Cassius said.

"Expensive, not really. Plus what's so bad about some breathing room. That way, we can get more privacy." Lilith said.

"Well then I guess I'm going to sleep on the couch then." Cassius said as he started to walk up to the couch and sat down.

"Are you sure? You can always sleep with me." Victoria said.

Cassius went red at this. "I can't sleep with my mom. I'm not a little boy anymore."

"Well Cassius I don't mind if you-" Lilith said but got cut off.

"No. I'm good." Casius said.

"Alright then." Lilith said and walked to the right room. Cassius didn't expect her to agree so easilyil. He thought she would put more of a fight, but prephaps the trip and walk also tired her out. Victoria saw her walk to her room and almost had the door closed all the way. Victoria looked at Cassius and whispered.

"Listen Cassiust. If you want to sleep with her tonight. Then go for it. I don't mind. Just make sure you two don't have to much fun. 'Victoria winked as Cassius wrinkked his eyebrows.

"Mom. Not cool." Cassius said, which gave her a quick laugh, and she went into the left room.

Cassius lied down on the couch and the lights were off in the living room. So he was facing the tv but just to the right of him were the doors that lead to his mother or girlfriend. He felt tempted to go in his girlfirend's room. That would be a lot less weird than his mothers. But at the same time he didn't know what was going to happen. What did Lilith want? Why didn't she fight more? Was she mad at him? The questions killed him and he couldn't help but have a hard time falling asleep. He felt like 20 minutes passed and the lights for both room were out and the place was quiet and dark. Cassius decided to sleep again until he sighed and got up.

He quickly and carefully tiptoed to Lilith's room; she left it slightly open while his moms was closed entirely. Maybe he was supposed to do this. maybe the small openeing in the door was proof for him to come in. He peeked an eye in and saw Lilith on the bed lying down with the sheets over her. Perhaps he was wrong but he opened the door more which didn't make a sound and he closed it just as Lilith had and saw the space on the right of Lilith. He sensed her eyes were closed as suddenly she smiled and her eyes popped open.

"Hello Darling. Had a hard time sleeping?" She smirked.

Cassius couldn't help but get embarresed. "To be honest, I'm surprised you didn't complain about me sleeping on the couch. Are you mad at me or something?' Cassius said.

"Hmmm. Maybe if you close the door all the way and go under the covers, you shall know for sure." She said.

That was all Cassius need and he shut the door and he got on the bed. It felt a bit weird but the moment she turned and their eyes locked the feeling of kissing came in both their heads. "Well Cass here's your answer. But I'm guessing you already know what it is." She said smiling and she was over him and brought her lips to his.

The kiss tasted a bit metalilic thanks to Cassius blood earlier but then all of a sudden it started to get sweet. And once they started, it felt like there was no returning. The first day they made love was heaven to him. He honestly wanted to do it again after that day, but with everything going on, it made it impossible. And even his condition right now and his mother on the other side made that also a challenge.

Lilith let go for breath as Cassius coudln't help it and this time he brought her to a hug and flipped their posion so that he was on top of her. They were both panting slightly but Cassius was panting slightly more. "Lilith, I love you so much. I just hate my condition right now. Preventing me from wanting to be with you longer and do things with you."

She put her hands on the sides of his face and smiled tenderly. "Don't worry, Cassius. I will find a way to save your life. We already have a lead on Pandora's magic. This will succeed no matter what. I promise I will find a way to save you. Because I love you so much darling. Ever since I first met you."

He connected his lips on her and she returned it back. It felt like his blood was rushing to his head but strangly he enjoyed the feeling of her presence underneath him. It was unlike a feeling he had ever expereinced with any one before. And he would never want to trade this feeling for anything else in the world.

The Vampire CrossOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora