Chapter 42 - Jamie's Past (Part 4)

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Mindy and Freister did everything they could to keep Jamie happy, and it was not hard to do. Jamie would smile if he received avocado for breakfast, and would thank Mindy almost a hundred times when she would simply slice his apple into pieces, making it easier—and juicier—for him to eat. But one thing Jamie made clear was that one thing he really needed was to see his best friend from Kollon.

So they allowed him to do so.

Neither of them ever had children, and Mindy and Freister were always busy with work. Therefore, some days they would bring Tyler and Jamie to amusement parks, and even though Mindy had a strange sentiment about their friendship, the last time she said she did not have time to pick up Tyler, Jamie locked himself in his bedroom the entire next day.

Freister did not favour Tyler whatsoever. He constantly told Mindy to sever Jamie and Tyler's friendship, and that Jamie would soon grow out of it, but Mindy refused. After the year of abuse he had been through, Mindy did not want to add on to it, and she let their friendship continue to build.

When Jamie was six years old, that was the year Tyler was finally eighteen and left the foster system. When that happened, Tyler would often come visit the Willas, and Mindy started seeing then as siblings. Tyler began working as a waiter in a restaurant, and it had been by the help of Mindy that he had gotten the job. Mindy had even helped him get his license, and taught him how to drive. Tyler basically became apart of the family, even though Freister kept an open eye on alert for him.

And that was when it happened.

They thought everything was blossoming well—Jamie had gone to a public school and made friends. He was starting to feel immersed into ordinary life when it all happened so suddenly. He had never seen it coming, but from his age, could he really have?

It happened one night—Tyler had been there the entire day that by the time he left, Mindy and Freister had already gone to bed. Jamie had gone to bed a bit later, although it was still at the time of his bed time, and Tyler had done this plenty of times. He knew how to lock the door from the outside, and he did.

Jamie was suddenly woken up from his sleep by a loud slam of his door. Two men dressed in black with masks entered his bedroom, and the fright instantly settled in. He hid underneath the covers, and he heard a croaky voice that begin to chuckle.

"I still see you."

In an instant, he was picked up from the bed and carried out of his room. The second intruder followed as they started up the stairs, and they walked down the hall on the third floor before reaching the master bedroom. The doors were humongous, heavy and painted gold, which they both knew was the bedroom where the Willas slept. When they pushed the door open, the third man had already been spreading the fuel onto the bed, where both Mindy and Freister laid.

Tied to the bed with their lips sealed with tape.

Their whimpers could be heard, but their home was terribly huge that no neighbours could possibly hear them. Both of them were in tears, their bodies beginning to tremble when they saw Jamie being thrown onto the bed with them. His hands were tied behind his back, his ankles were taped together and his lips were sealed as well.

And all of them waited, watching as two intruders left the room for a moment and returned a while later. "We have everything boss," one spoke, and Jamie recognized his voice to be the same croaky he had heard. "The window in this room is too far high for any of them to jump, and we'll block the doors from the outside. They have no escape, so if they somehow are able to free themselves, they'll be stuck."

"The credit cards are all there too; if we can get them to Esty, we can forsure max them out and return them before the end of the night—nobody will ever know, boss," said the second.

The first added, "The evidence should be all burned, even the tape we used. It'll disintegrate after a few hours, and won't be traceable.

"An accidental fire from the chimney all the way to the top of the home," the second smiled under his mask, "it's all set and done. You just have to light the fire, boss."

The boss had not yet said anything, pouring even more fuel over the face of Freister before grabbing the empty containing and approaching his comrades. They both waited, seeing his lighter begin to flicker on and off, and he paused for a moment.

After a few minutes passed, the first one asked, "Are you alright boss?"

Finally, their boss hissed, "I feel like I should show my face if this is going to be the last time any of you see it." And he did—but he didn't have to. All three of them already knew that familiar voice, and when the evil grey eyes appeared in front of them, Jamie stopped breathing.

"I know," Tyler smirked, putting his hand on his waist smugly, "surprise, right Jamie? I've known you for three years now? Wait what am I saying," he snorted before his face tightened, "I didn't know you. Besides, I don't think any of you deserve the money you have. I've been through enough pain to leave the foster home and have nothing—this money belongs to me. And I need it to start my own life, and anything you need in life, you take it."

"I'm sorry about this, and that it had to be you guys. I wish it could have been different, I really do," he laughed, smiling st them as he walked towards them, "but you guys trusted me so much, so naive. You gave me so much freedom in this house that it was easy to get in without alerting neither of you. I never enjoyed any of your company, I only came here to get my plan ready from the moment I stepped out of Kollon."

"I got some guys to agree with me, got a team to make sure none of this will be traced. And clearly it's working like a dime, don't you think?" The desperation in Mindy's eyes was comical to him; even during the time he was tying her, she continuously begged for him to let Jamie be free at least.

But Jamie was a Willa, meaning they all deserved this end.

"You're probably asking in your heads why I'm doing this?" Then, he shrugged his shoulders, turned on the lighter and winked at them, "because I can."

The room burst into flames the moment it hit the fuel on the ground, and they barricaded the bedroom door from the outside.

The next day, both Mindy and Freister Willa were pronounced dead.

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