Chapter 38 - Mistake

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"We got a report that Joey Allen McAvela was being kept against his own will in this apartment. Is this the apartment of Jamie McGollony?"


Jamie leaned on his counter, staring as the officers searching through the entire apartment. They checked underneath the couch, in the bathrooms, in the bedroom, through every cabinet, everywhere for any sign that Joe was being kept against his will. There were at least ten of them that squeezed into every corner of his apartment and one entered his closet, patting the walls and searching through the clothes.

"I do not think it was a false allegation..." one of the officers mumbled under his breath to another and the other nodded his head.

But none of this made sense.

The report had given proof that Joe was missing for days, that his regular routine had shifted and he hadn't been seen by anyone over weeks. Even his grandmother had started getting worried and the person responsible for this search, had been adamant that Joe was kidnapped.

Except, why had it been Joe that opened the door? Why was he sitting on the couch with a long smile on his face, reassuring that he was safe?

"I moved in here."

"I changed bars—I got into a fight there a few weeks ago and didn't want to go there anymore."

"My grandmother? Why would she know where I am? She kicked me out..."

"Connor doesn't need to know where I am, we're divorced."

"Fred was looking for me? I didn't think we were friends anymore after I yelled at him."

"There is no reason to assume I was kidnapped. As you can see, I'm alive and well."

"I don't want them knowing where I am, please respect that."

"As you can see officers," Jamie spoke loudly, glancing from one to the other, "he's clearly safe and sound. So why are you all still doing in my apartment?"

Chief Marshall was the one that conducted the search on behalf of Connor McAvela. Connor McAvela had such a remarkable reputation in the city and with the wealth he had, there was not a chance this could have been a mistake. He had already offered ample amount of money to have a warrant and enough officers for this search, which would have not been done for no reason.

So what were they missing?

"Hello?" Chief Marshall glanced upwards and met the glaring blue eyes of Jamie, who stood forward and broadened his shoulders. Veins were visible on the side of his neck and the way his fists squeezed showed clearly that he was ready to use force if necessary, "I said, why are you all still in my apartment?" He vigorously pointed to Joe, who had turned to face Jamie when his voice had grown louder. Even the other officers who had been chatting with Joe had all been distracted by Jamie's tone, ready to tackle him if anything became disorderly.

And although Chief Marshall was prepared for anything, he needed to maintain this situation under control, which is why he motioned for Jamie to follow him outside.

To which Jamie disagreed. "No, if we have something to talk about, we can talk about it here!"

"Mr. McGollony," Chief Marshall finally spoke, his voice tightened. The other officers' eyes were on them and he wanted to keep the identity of Connor McAvela in secrecy. "Is there another place where we can speak privately?"

"You're going to talk to me about the person who asked for this raid, right?" He pointed to the other officers and growled, "They probably have no idea why they got called into work this late other than a report that a missing person was found. Well let me tell you guys." He then approached Joe and pulled him from the seat. "Connor McAvela, his ex-husband, wanted to have me arrested—"

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