Chapter 4 - Drunk chats

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"No," Jamie laughed, taking another shot from the bottle. "I've never had sex with one of my mother's friends."

Drunken Joe, who had taken series of shots at one go, laughed and slapped his hand against his knee, "I had sex with one of them right after my mother passed. Connor and I were on a break since our relationship was pretty bad."

He noticed the concern in Jamie's tone when he asked, "And you weren't hurt by that?"

"I mean, no. It was good sex—"

"It's as if he's always wanted to but your mom was the barrier of that." Jamie raised an eyebrow. "It really didn't?"

Joe's eyes glanced elsewhere, finding a random space on the wooden floor. "I never thought of it that way, I guess."

"Well," he noticed Joe's eyes turn sour and decided to divert from the topic, "it's not something to dwell on." He poured both of them another shot of tequila and handed Joe his glass. "It's my turn anyway. Never have I ever..." Jamie thought about it for a moment before smirking, "been with a man."

Joe rapidly poured his shot into his mouth, not making any sort of grimace. "That's an easy one," he watched Jamie's eyes light up as he poured Joe more liquor, "why would you ask me that if you knew the answer?" Although he played it off, it did cause his heart to sting, realizing that Jamie practically admitted of not being interested in men.

"Stop asking me questions," Jamie smirked. "Just drink."

Joe rolled his eyes. "Never have I ever been with a woman."

Jamie poured his shot, then said, "A few years ago."

"What do you mean a few years ago?"

"I haven't had sex in a long time." When Joe raised an eyebrow, Jamie laughed and waved a hand dismissively. "Next one please."

"It's your turn."

After taking his shot, his eyes lifted towards the ceiling as he thought of another statement to say. "When's the last time you had sex with a guy?"

"You're so intrigued in my personal life," Joe snorted. "I think a week or two ago, I can't remember. And this game is never have I ever—"

"Well I just want to converse with you," Jamie admitted, standing to his feet and going to the kitchen to grab bigger glasses. He poured half the glass with liquor and handed it over to Joe and poured himself his own.

"You haven't answered any questions about yourself?"

"Because it's my apartment," Jamie laughed, sipping on his liquor. He placed his feet on the table and leaned backwards against the seat. "I'm entitled to do what I want."

"But I'd like to get to know you better," Joe said confidently, which he was surprised when Jamie seemed to be a bit flustered by how Joe stared at him.

He turned away. "You're just saying that because you think I'm cute."

"I mean, yes I do," Joe's entire senses had been inhibited by the alcohol taking the front and his actions were not lead by him. "But you let me stay here so you must have a kind heart. Getting to know you seems like a reasonable thing to do."

Jamie rested his glass on the counter, lifting his arms and placing his palms behind his head. He shuffled for a second to gain a bit more comfort. "What do you want to know?"

Joe shrugged his shoulders. "Tell me about your parents."

Although Jamie smiled, he noticed the carelessness that were in his eyes a second ago, suddenly vanish. They appeared to have darkened slightly and eventually, he simply shook his head. "I can't talk about them."

Although that made Joe's alert system perk, he nodded his head. "What about a sibling?"

The light seemed to reappear in his gaze. "I do not..." He fell into a trance of thoughts for a second, placing an index finger beside his mouth before chuckling, a small smiling stretching his lips.  Joe adored it whenever he did, always showing his dimples that soon disappeared whenever his face fell. It was the first time Jamie had really spoken about himself regarding really. "When I was younger, I was really close with this kid and he was older than me. I would've considered him my older brother but," he exhaled a sigh, shrugging his shoulders, "it doesn't work that way."

Jamie wasn't looking at him, but his eyes glimmered, making him appear a bit upset. Joe was certain it may have been from the alcohol as if eyes always grew droopy when he drank, but one was never sure.

He shrugged his shoulders, taking a sip from his liquor and letting the silence settle for a second. Then, he grinned towards Jamie, catching his eyes when he said, "It does work that way, in some sense. If you feel as if you guys connected as siblings then that's how you feel."

Jamie's eyes squinted for a second, resting his palms on his thighs for a second before shaking his head and reaching forward, grabbing his glass. "Then yes, I used to have a sibling."

"You don't talk to that person anymore either?"

This question made Jamie's eyebrow twitch and he wasn't as cool and collected as he had been able to maintain. Without even taking a sip of his glass, he returned it onto the table and removed his feet from the table. Joe noticed the sudden shift in his demeanour, scratching the side of his face as he looked elsewhere, but rather than sadness, there was a hint of...rage?

"You don't need to talk about it," Joe said politely, nodding his head. "I know some things are tough."

Jamie shook his head, waving a hand dismissively. "Don't worry, it's cool." However, he stood to his feet and stretched his shoulder, no longer appearing as friendly as he had when they first began. "I'll just head to bed, clean the glass cups before bed please?"

"Wait, I didn't mean to—"

"It's fine."

"Jamie," his tone was much more stern, a tipsy Joe adamantly standing to his feet and stepping towards Jamie, "you know I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Please, just sit down." He tightened his lip and then corrected himself, "Master Jamie."

Jamie finally eyed him, pausing for a moment as if he was debating sitting back down and finishing his drink. Even his face felt warm at being called what he wanted, but eventually, when the memories started to vividly replay in his mind, younger years that he tried endlessly to forget, he turned away and headed for his bedroom.

"Goodnight Joe."

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