Chapter 12 - Outdrink Me

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Joe was not surprised when Jamie shoved his clothes in a garbage bag, ranting about how Joe had ruined one of his favourite shirts. Joe quietly waited in the living room, unable to divert his eyes from Jamie's bare upper body shifting as he lifted the garbage bag and threw it outside the front door. Afterwards, he sent his fingers through his hair, exhaled a long sigh as he walked past Joe, not even glancing towards him as he headed for the washroom to grab all his cleaning supplies.

Jamie was unable to sleep comfortably knowing that there was a few drops of yolks along his corridor. He couldn't avoid that since he had to enter the apartment still dripping in water and yolk. Hence why he shoved on his gloves, grabbed his mop and began scrubbing the floors as hard as he could. He went as far as steaming the floor as he noticed the outlines of the drops were not leaving easily and he repeated the process over and over again until he felt satisfied. Once he was done, he walked past the living room with a long glare on his face, stormed to the washroom and Joe soon heard the shower began to run.

Even during his time alone, Joe debated fleeing the place and never looking back. He had no clue what Jamie was planning, but he was certain it had nothing to do with harm nor violence since he would have done it by now. That did not stop his fright from settling into his bloodstream, causing him to begin nibbling on his nails. Maybe he kept him here to calm the police and convict him of vandalism, maybe even assault since he had thrown the eggs at him and they could have hurt him.

The overwhelming thoughts suddenly fell quiet when he heard the doorknob click. Jamie finally exited his bedroom with a towel on his head, rubbing it through his scalp before letting it drop around his neck. Joe felt his breath shorten as he watched Jamie walk towards the kitchen, his soaking wet hair almost resembling a darker chocolate brown.

Joe furrowed his brows when Jamie slammed a bottle of vodka in the middle of the living room table, along with two shot glasses and he took a seat across from him. After comfortable stretching his sweatpants, he leaned forward, twisting the cap and filling each glass to the rim before slowly pushing one over to Joe.

He then lifted his chin, sending a few fingers through his hair before wiping it on his towel. "You want your job back?" he growled in a deep tone, noticing on of Joe's eyebrows instantly rise. "You're lucky I'm even giving you this chance because after what you did," he pointed towards the door, "I would have not only fought you but you wouldn't have been allowed in my sight anymore."

Joe gulped, swallowing hard. All of Jamie's words were spoken harshly, striking him directly in the chest.

"Do you want a chance or not?" Jamie spat, annoyed that Joe hadn't answered.

Joe stammered, "I-I...I do..."

His face contorted in confusion when he saw a sudden smirk curve Jamie's lips. "Then outdrink me."

After a few seconds, Joe exhaled a chuckle, rapidly covering his lips with his hand as he attempted to hide his snicker. "I'm sorry," he breathed, hiding his chuckled through coughs as he avoided Jamie's narrowed gaze. "If this is how you want to settle this, I'm all in for it."

"Why d'you laugh?"

Joe couldn't help but curl a smile. "I drink on a daily basis, I'm practically called an alcoh—"

"That doesn't mean anything." Jamie snorted, shaking his head as he lifted his shot glass in the air and waited for Joe to clank their glass together. "Trust me, you'll regret saying yes."

They both downed their shot at the same time, neither making a face as he shoved his glass towards Jamie. "Pour me another one." If there was one thing he knew was in his skills, it would definitely be drinking. Besides, he spent years now stuck in his mind's sorrow and ending each nights with bottles of booze and countless shots—there was no way he would lose this challenge.

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