Chapter 19 - Friends

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Jamie sat across from Joe.

With his arms folded over his chest and his eyes staring at the floor, he was stuck in his thoughts for what felt like an hour. Even Joe was a bit frightened since Jamie seemed a slight push away from murdering someone. Eventually, Jamie glanced upwards and their gazes met, but Joe had not been prepared to meet them; he instantly felt his entire body run cold and goosebumps form on his skin.

Jamie was biting his bottom lip, repeatedly tapping his foot on the floor. He hadn't really thought of what he wanted to say, neither did he really want to say anything. He turned away from Joe again, pushing himself to his feet. "I need a god damn drink."

He soon returned with a bottle of dark liquor and two shot glasses, filling both glass all the way up to the rim before handing one of them to Joe, who quietly thanked him. Jamie said nothing while he took three shots back to back without making a face. It was after his fourth that he exhaled a long sigh and Joe noticed that his eyes were no longer as narrowed as they had been. His stiffened face had loosened and the rage was dissipating from within him, almost as if it was slowly evaporating from his body.

And that was when he asked, "You're going back to him, aren't you?" His tone was low, but there was no anger within it.

It felt more so to be curiosity than anything. At first, Joe felt his lips move to say yes, but his mind didn't follow through with it. He hadn't thought of it enough and wasn't certain he really wanted to. Of course he wished he could go back in time and be with Connor how they used to be, but the divorce happened, and that was not something he was willing to overlook. He took his first shot, pushing his empty glass towards Jamie. "I'm not sure yet."

"I think you should." The forced smile across Jamie's lips told him otherwise. "You'll be happier that way, you can return to your old life." He poured Joe another shot before pouring himself one, clanking their glass together and taking it at the same time.

A frown crumbled Joe's face; he had not expected those words from Jamie. He was unsure whether he was being sarcastic or genuine. Cautiously, he asked, "You...y-you think so?"

"I know so," Jamie chuckled quietly without meeting his gaze. "You always mention how you're grown and how you don't like being told that you're owned, which I understand." He paused for a second, shrugging his shoulders. "It's a second chance not to ruin it again."

Joe scratched the side of his face; why was Jamie being softer than his usual behaviour? He was not used to this atmosphere of care surrounding Jamie at the moment. Jamie downed his six shot, while Joe simply watched him. "He broke my heart once though."

"Heartbreaks happen, they're apart of life," he giggled, rolling his eyes. Then a serious air crossed his face and he finally met Joe's gaze. "But you have one life to live." Even though Jamie was encouraging, his words did not sound genuine, surrounding with such melancholia that Joe was unsure whether to agree or disagree with him. "I wish I had that option," this caused Joe's eyebrow to peak, "but if it was given to me, I'd take it."

Joe remained silent for a moment, noticing the sorrow that flashed across Jamie's eyes—the last time he had seen such gloom in Jamie was when he asked about his parents. He wanted to explore more of this; it was a rarity for Jamie to open up to him. After a few hesitant coughs, he asked, "Are you...talking about Bridgette?"

The name made Jamie's entire body tighten and he sighed before taking another shot. Surprisingly, he shook his head while pouring himself another shot. "No." And that was all he said. Right after, he diverted the conversation back to Joe.

"Connor's successful. Regardless of whether there's any love in the relationship, he has dimes. He can buy you anything you'd like; you would probably never have to work another day in your life."

"I don't want to have to rely on him," he admitted, disgust echoing from his tone. "I feel like maybe that's the reasons our relationship failed the first time and I was lost for so many years." He felt his fingers tighten as he gripped the hem of his sleeve. "I was too dependent on him, never saw it coming." Those emotions were returning, the ones when Connor revealed to him that he was no longer in love—the wound in his heart began to ache again and it wasn't a sensation he wanted to feel.

"I understand that." Joe was starting to feel lightheaded but he took another shot at the same time Jamie did. "But I'd give it another chance."

"Why do you say that?"

A weak smile pulled Jamie's lips. "I think you deserve it."

Why did Jamie seem...afraid? "Is there something wrong?"

It took his a few seconds to answer, snorting and leaning back in his seat afterwards. "No, why would there be something wrong?"

"You've never been this advising to me."

Jamie rolled his eyes. "You know, just...helping a friend."

Joe's heart skipped a beat, and it skipped another one when it replayed the sentence over again in his thoughts.

Rules #11: We're not friends.

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