Chapter 36 - I'll Tell You Everything - (Will Erase)

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"Why did you rush me in here?" Chris exclaimed impatiently, storming inside Connor's office. He was on his way to his cousin's baby shower when he got a few threatening calls from Connor stating that if he was not to arrive in ten minutes, he was going to be fired instantly, without hesitation. That had caused him not only to divert his direction, but speed across town to reach the building in time, and lord behold he was furious.

Connor was his boss, yes, but beyond that, they were best friends. And best friends did not treat one another in the way, hence why Chris slammed the door shut behind him, causing not only the wall to vibrate, but employees from the floor below them heard the raucous.

"And what's this about me being fired if I don't comply, are you kidding me—?"

"Sit down, Chris."

"No! I'm not sitting down, I don't deserve this and you know—"

"I said sit down."

His tone had grown with rage that Chris instantly fell quiet. The glare Connor sent him was enough to make his own anger dissipate, and it was then he noticed that he was not the only one in the room. He glanced towards Fred who sent him narrowing eyes before glancing elsewhere.

"What's going on?"

"Are you going to listen to me?" Connor's voice was growing louder, "Or are you going to ignore me telling you to sit the fuck down ten times?"

Chris remained silent, pulling a chair beside Fred.

It was apparent that Connor was going through an ordeal; he stretched his shoulders and raised his arms for a few seconds, inhaling a few long breaths before letting his arms return to his sides. He was not meeting the gaze of either of them, and was now refilling his sixth drink. It was clear the alcohol was beginning to take effect, and he took a sip of his drink before finally meeting the gaze of Chris.

"We need your help." He nodded his head, waiting for Connor to continue. "Joe's missing, and we think he's been kidnapped."

"Don't tell me—"

"Yea," Connor nodded his head before taking another gulp from his drink, "it has to be him."

Chris' eyes instantly fell to the floor, his breath falling short in his throat. It was only a few seconds after that he realized he had stopped breathing, but his mind was engulfed with all the memories that had involved around the man living in the appartement above his own. "I've been keeping an eye on him, like you've asked."

"Wait, what?" Fred frowned, eyeing Chris. "You both have known about Jamie?"

"He hasn't done anything alarming," Chris ignored him. Panic began to cause a turmoil in his stomach as he leaned forward in his seat, "I haven't even seen Joe go inside his apartment—"

"That's the problem," Connor's tone was enough to instantly make Chris' lips tightly shut, "you messed up."

"I haven't messed up Connor. It's not him, trust me—"

"Hold on," Fred interfered, both turning their gaze towards him. He cleared his throat, "You both knew there was something off with Jamie? And you allowed Joe to live with him?"

"Joe isn't my property,"  Connor spat, "He's a grown man, he can do whatever he pleases."

"Then why do you care now?" Fred snorted, shaking his head. He stormed to his feet, "You both knew there was something wrong with Jamie and did nothing. You let him get close to Joe—"

"Joe was vulnerable, it's his own fault," Chris spoke.

"And he was vulnerable because of who?" Fred snapped, the veins bulging from his neck as he gritted his teeth, staring at both of them. "Don't act like he became this way for no reason, Chris. Besides, Connor told you to keep an eye on Jamie and you didn't do your job!"

"I did do my job!" He stormed to his feet, "You don't know anything about this situation. There more to this than just Joe being your friend—all our lives are in danger right now."

From the way Chris' lips quivered, shaky breaths with his every exhales, Fred fell quiet. There was something they weren't telling him, and he lowered his arms back to his sides, his broadened shoulders relaxing as he said, "Why were you keeping an eye on Jamie?" When Chris' mouth shut, he turned to Connor, "and why did you order him to do so?"

Connor paused for a moment; he had drank too much alcohol that he knew the truth was going to come out. The only person that knew the entire story was Chris, who he trusted with all his might from the thick and thin they had gone through. This was more than just a friendship, but a bond that can never be broken or else their safety could be jeopardized.

But in this moment, it didn't matter.

He needed to tell him the truth, because all their lives were at risk and innocent people didn't deserve to die. Joe was innocent, and he did not deserve that treatment.

Connor motioned towards Fred, "Sit down, I'll tell you everything."

Author's Note: I know I've been slacking these last few weeks, I had lots of stuff going on and had writer's block and was unsure what to write about or how to continue this story. But I promise I have been writing a lot and have chapters saved up so this is the last short chapter, and I'll be releasing much more throughout the week!
Sorry about this.

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