Chapter 27 - A Woman

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He woke up alone.

Jamie had disappeared, no longer in the desk chair. Neither was he in the bedroom in general. In fact, Jamie was not home at all. Joe had no idea where he had gone, but Jamie did not return home throughout the day. At first, Joe decided to wait for him and had a conversation. However, as the day went by, Joe realized he had to focus on his new beginning. Not one with Jamie, but with Connor. That was the moment he had been waiting for after those terrible two years—he had to give it a try.

He stepped inside the shower with the steaming hot water fogging the entire bathroom. Usually, Joe's showers were barely even five minutes, but oddly enough, this time he took a thirty minutes shower. It's not as if he was doing anything; he finished all he had to do in the same amount of time, but he hoped that the longer he took, the more time it would leave for Jamie to return home and have the chance to say his goodbyes.

It took a few hours for all his personal belongings—at least the ones Jamie allowed him to take—to be packed within a suitcase and he rolled them to the front door, seeing the pairs of shoes Jamie neatly arranged nearby.

The night he had spent with Jamie had made Joe witness a side of him he never even knew was possible. Jamie's touches were soft and delicate, as if he had made certain to handle Joe with such care, making him feel as if he was floating amongst clouds. All his caresses and his kisses that slowly toughened to bites, Joe had never even imagined such sentiments could be felt through a mere touch.

His fingers clamped the suitcase handle tightly.

Regardless of Jamie's wants, Joe had to do what was best for himself, and returning to Connor was...

Connor had already broken his heart once.

It was all an uncertain gamble and as Joe stared at the door, he couldn't help himself but return to the kitchen and pour himself a shot of vodka. His nerves were making his fingers tremble and he didn't need this stress at the moment, not when he was trying to steer his own life.

He exhaled a long sigh before bringing his lips to the rim for another shot. There were knocks on the door, making him bolt to it. The alcohol in his system imagined it to be Jamie on the other side.

Unfortunately, Connor waved his hand.

"Ready to leave?" His nose instantly wrinkled before Joe had the time to respond. "Have you been drinking?"

Joe burped. "I only took two shots."

"You reek alcohol; if we weren't in a hurry, I would drink with you." There were two suitcases at the door and Connor grabbed the handles on both. He seemed to be in a hurry, lifting his chin towards Joe and motioned for the door. "You ready?"

"Yes but," he glanced backwards, eyeing the cleanliness of the home. Oddly enough, he felt guilty leaving it behind. "I haven't had the chance to say goodbye to Jamie—"

"Who cares?" Connor snorted. "He's strange anyways—you should have never lived here." His neck sharply twisted to meet Connor's gaze; that comment had instantly poked one of his nerves. Jamie had helped him reach a point that he was able to now sustain himself and did not need the aid of his grandmother who could not stand the sight of him. That was why he deserved at least the respect. "He's been lying to you the whole time."

Joe's fists tightened to his sides; he knew Connor and Jamie did not favour one another, but that didn't give Connor the right to speak ill of him. Jamie had supported him when no one else even tried to. Even his friends at the bar ran away when Joe didn't have any coins to pay for himself.

Not even Connor himself tried to help him.

"The same way you've lied to me the whole time?"

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