Preview 2 - Book 2: Break The Rules

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"I have a meeting tonight."

They were seated across one another, Connor twirling his fork around the spaghetti he had made for the both of them. He was wearing a suit, prepared for the night while Joe, sitting across from him, wore his baggy sweater with pyjama sweats. He eyed Joe for a moment, seeing the cold features on his face only glance upwards once before returning his attention on his food. He had taken one bite, after that had played with the spaghettis, shuffling them across the plate.

Connor raised his eyebrows, "You don't like it?"

"N-No, I...uh..." he cleared his throat, forcing a smile and meeting Connor's gaze for a second. "I...I'm not hungry."

"You should have told me," Connor took another bite, chewing for a minute before he added, "we could have watched a movie together instead."

It always happened whenever they had a conversation. Memories began rushing through Joe's mind and he could not resist his eyes from filling with tears. He tried to hide them, looking elsewhere, but it was difficult for Connor not to notice them. His fingers fiddled with the end of his sleeve and he breathed shakily, "I-I'm pretty...tired. Can I lie down?"

Connor paused, staring at his bottom lip beginning to quiver and exhaled a long sigh. "It's been a year, Joey. You have to start forgetting about it." When Joe didn't respond, Connor scratched the side of his face, "What more do you want from me?"

Joe shook his head, covering his eyes with the ends of his sleeves for a moment. The tears were soaking his sweater and he inhaled a sharp breath, wiping them as good as he could. It only made his eyes more swollen and red, almost bloodshot, and he kept them locked on the table. "I just need to lie down."

He eyed Joe, seeing the way he fidgeted with the end of his sweater, always seemed to be trembling and barely ever smiling. Every time they spoke, Joe always either barricaded himself in the bathroom or asked to leave since he was starting to sob. As much as Connor felt for him, it had been a year since it all happened. Besides, Joe was bathed in wealth, his memories should not dictate how his future should be.

Connor felt his muscles begin to tense. "You're avoiding me."

"I'm not avoiding y—"

"You always do. Whenever we talk, you always leave, as if you don't love me."

It took a moment for Joe's brain to realize what was said, then he swallowed hard. He had even been accustomed to lie for the past year, "I-I do...I do love you."

"Then show it to me Joe."

"You killed my grandmother, Connor."

Connor slammed his fist against the table, his composure suddenly combusting in flames. After a moment, he reached for his plate and threw it against the beige walls, tainting the wall with its meat sauce as it lingered along to the floor. Joe winced when he shoved the table to its side and he stood to his feet, sending his fingers through his hair.

"I told you not to fucking mention these things again." All the veins became apparent along his neck and his forehead, his fingers curling as he paced across the room, "Ever again!" Joe flinched when Connor stomped towards him. He grabbing him by his collar, pulling him from the sweat and shoving him against the wall. "Did I not?!"

Joe felt his back begin to ache, but was not going to give Connor his satisfaction, as if those things had never happened. "I love Jamie, and I always will. You'll never be able to compare to him."

Surprisingly enough, that comment seemed to calm Connor, his breathing starting to slow down and all his tightened muscles eased. He said, "Now I know you're just saying that to get me angry."

"No, it's true!"

"I love you too," he leaned forward and connected their lips for a second before winking.


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