Chapter 16 - You Need Me

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Joe did not return last night.

And Jamie was fuming.

Not only had Joe ignored all of his calls, but when Jamie drove to the bar, he was not there. Craig did confirm that Joe had been there but left half an hour before his arrival. He even checked a few motels but there were no sign of Joe. Driving down a couple streets at night was hopelessly, and eventually, he returned home where he twisted all night, wondering if Joe was alright. Even in the morning, he missed his classes and was contemplating whether to call off work as he waited for Joe's arrival, not having heard a word yet.

It wasn't until three in the afternoon, that he heard the door open and peaked his head towards the doorway. Although he felt a sudden anger swirl in his stomach, a weight had been lifted off his shoulders as the lethargic Joe closed the door behind him and sighed.

The look in Jamie's eyes was sour. "Thank you for showing up."

Joe could feel the glare pierce through his chest, but the fatigue was terribly overwhelming that he waved a dismissive hand and stepped towards his bedroom. "Anytime, see you lat—"

"No, Joe." It was definitely not going to be addressed later since he was way too irritated and had to speak of it now. He followed him, grabbed his shoulder before he could make it to the bedroom and flung him backwards. "We have to talk about this."

"I'm really tired Jamie—"

"It's Master Jamie. What the hell is wrong with you?" Jamie's narrowed blue eyes were filled with burning flames that Joe thought his body would blow into smoke. "I called you—"

"I was busy," Joe spat, his voice tightening. "You're not even supposed to be home right now."

"I know I'm not!" he returned sharply. "I was waiting for you to get back—don't walk away when I'm talking to you." He stomped his feet behind Joe when he tried to enter his bedroom again. "You're disrespecting me and you broke a bunch of rules."

Joe stopped for a second, unable to stop a smirk for lifting his lip. After the conversation he had with Craig yesterday, he finally realized that Jamie was the biggest hypocrite he had ever met. "You broke your own rules too."

Jamie furrowed his brows. "I didn't break any r—"

"Rule #74: No lying and I won't lie either." He faced him with his shoulders broadened. "You made that rule, didn't you?"

"I've never lied to you."

"The very first night, you said it had been about two years since you've last been with a girl."


"But you have a girlfriend?"

Instantly, Jamie's face fell and his lips clamped shut. His shoulders loosened, his muscles no longer flexing and he simply stared at Joe with softened eyes.

"Bridgette, right?"

Why didn't he appear as angry as he did a second ago?

The only thing that could leave his mouth was, "Who told you that?"

"Who do you think?!" Joe's teeth gritted. "So it is true?"

"Even if it was true, why are you mad?" He's right Joe, why are you mad? Jamie noticed the harsh intake from Joe as he held his breath to his throat. He rolled his eyes before adding, "I'm allowed to do whatever I please."

"Then don't yell at me when I get attention from other people—"

"It's different."

His hands bawled into fists. "And how is that different?"

"I own you—"

"You don't own me," he snapped, his voice growing louder, "and I'm sick of you saying that. You're twenty-eight Jamie, you don't own anything."

"Then why are you still in my house?"

"Because that's the only job willing to—"

"You know it's not," Jamie sneered and Joe felt his heart skip a beat. "You have enough money to find a regular job and get your own place soon after." When that was said, Joe fell quiet and Jamie nodded his head, finally seeing Joe listening to him. "Besides, I don't have to tell you anything. You work for me, it's not the other way around."

"Then don't tell people we're dating when we're not!" His scream had echoed across the appartement.

The boredom that remained plastered on Jamie's face stunned him. "I was helping you. You wanted me to tell your successful ex-husband that you're my housewife instead?"

Joe shook his head, his eyes facing the floor; although he didn't want it to be true, Jamie was right. Not only was Jamie not obligated to tell him anything, but rule number eight explained it all: Rule #8: We're not friends. Maybe Joe had gotten too caught into his mind that he actually thought Jamie did consider him even an acquaintance.

But time and time again, he was proven to be wrong. To Jamie, he was just someone he owned.

"I did that for you, not me," he spat bluntly, returning his hands into the front of his pockets. "Besides, I don't need you, you need me. Don't you forget that."

The silence that fell between them was enough to make Joe's throat squeeze on itself, as if there were needles attempting to make him burst into tears. He had enough of his friends making him feel as if every single of his choices were mistakes, enough of being a burden not only Jamie, but to his grandmother and he had been one to Connor as well.

He was just a failure.

His resilience faltered and he no longer had the energy to fight for himself. "Whatever, I'm tired," he sighed, entering his bedroom. "I'll clean I promise—I'm sorry for yelling...Master Jamie," he breathed quietly before closing the door behind him.

The gloom that overtook Joe's features had made Jamie's heart drop into his stomach. It was evident that Joe had been disturbed from suddenly seeing a close old friend as well as his ex-husband and Jamie was not doing anything to help him through that.

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