After laying there for a while, he decided to try and lift some muscles to reach his phone, Steve had probably placed it on the bedside table when he was asleep.

10 missed calls: Howard.
8 texts: Howard.

Tony quickly deleted the notification. He refused to open any of the messages or answer any of the calls. He knew he was a disappointment. He didn't need to be reminded. Instead, he opened up the snapchat group where Clint, Natasha and Rhodes seemed to have had a boring night.

"Idiots." He mumbled to himself. After trying to answer a few snaps, he decided to ignore them instead. He didn't know what to say or what to comment. He didn't want to talk. He didn't want to see anyone.

And there it was again. The feeling.
The feeling that made him want to bang his head into the wall and throw up.

Feeling of guilt.

The words of his father kept repeating themselves inside his head, and he couldn't shut them down. It didn't matter how much he tried to go cover his ears or listen to something else. They were always there.

Not only voices. But pictures too.

Pictures of his mother. His beautiful, beautiful mother with her blond hair and kind eyes. Her soft voice and elegant attitude. And memories. Oh god they were killing him....

Tony closed his eyes and inhaled deeply through his nose, before exhaling again. He felt like crying, but there was nothing left. Just empty space and terrifying mind ghosts that tried to tear him down piece by piece.

"Keep it together Stark." He whispered to himself before sitting up from the amazingly warm sheets. Figuring that he should try and focus his mind on something else. But what was there to focus on? All his stuff was back at his place with a drunk alcoholic to father that guarded his house like a fucking hawk.

The genius chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully before deciding to move a little in the bed so he was close to Steve's desk. Curiously looking into the different boxes while trying to swallow down the feeling of guilt and sorrow.

Without any big interest, he picked out a black sketchbook with dark blue details on the frame. It was a very pretty block, with a lot of pages. Tony's tired eyes travelled over the sides. They were all filled with beautiful landscapes drawn with pencils, and different portraits of random people he didn't know. He could never have imagined that this is what Steve was drawing in his free time, or that it could be this good. The proportions and colors were all just right and oddly satisfying for his eyes.

Impressed, he kept changing pages with a numb facial expression, his thoughts miles away from where he actually was. Until he found one specific page.
He didn't even hear when the door opened and how the blond came into the room.

"Hey Tony I-" Steve stopped midsentence as he stepped into the room.

Tony was sitting at the foot of the bed with messy morning hair next to his desk, with a book in his hands. His mouth slightly ajars while his eyes travelled over the papers.

The older guy swallowed nervously before running up to the bed, snatching the block from Tony's hands without thinking. The brown-eyed looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. His facial expression was unreadable as he just sat there and watched him.

"Sorry I just-" Steve began when he realized what he just had done. "This is know...private." he explained shamefully.

Tony didn't say anything as his eyes were locked on the sketchbook. Almost like he was thinking through what he just had witnessed.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now