
"They're taller than me," Bear stated,"and their muscles are as big as your head."

Noah's mouth fell open, making Bear really just want to throw a cookie into it to see if it'll act like a Venus fly trap.

"What colour were they?" Reese asked.

Thinking back to the day on the bridge, she remembered the elegant manes on the horses, as they stared her down. There eyes, challenging her, daring her to try and outrun them.

See how far she'd go, before they'd tattoo her backside with their trampling hooves.

"Black, brown, and a cream colour," Near stated,"Their owners had painted them, I think the black one had its skull painted out."

To her surprise, Reese, who seemed like a fragile, shy girl, leaned forward with wonder in her eyes. Although her green eyes were staring right at Bear, she felt like the girl was looking through her eyes at the memory of the bridge.

Reeses fingers twitched, desperately wanting to grab hold of a horses mane and see how far she and her stead can go before they both fall to the ground in exhaustion.

She could almost imagine, being on a creature that ran so fast it made her hair fly around her face.

Suddenly, Monty walked up to Bear.

The girl stood up, with a puzzled look at the distressed expression on his face,"Monty?" She asked, grabbing his arm and pulling him down into the forth seat at the table,"what's wrong?"

Looking over at Noah and Reese, he turned to Bear,"You can trust them," she whispered,"They're on our side."

"Clarke's missing," Monty said,"I- I can't find here anywhere..."

Sitting up, Bear thought about the other night,"Now that you mention it... I don't think she was in her bed last night..."

"What if something happened to her, Bear?" Month asked.

Turning to Noah with a sorrowful expression, the boy leaned forward,"Noah... can you check around for our friend, Clarke, Clarke Griffin?"

Standing up abruptly, Noah walked around the table and grasped Montys shoulder briefly,"I'll see what I can find."


Half an hour later, Noah returned back to the table, as Bear was holding Monty's shoulder with a reassuring expression.

Sitting down, Noah pulled his chair in and leant across the table. Before he spoke, he quickly scanned the room for anybody that may be listening in to their conversation.

"Apparently Clarke has a mental breakdown," he whispered,"they said that she had tried to kill her self, or something..."

Turning to look at Monty, before turning back to Noah, Bear grimaced at the image that flashed through her mind of Clarke trying to do any of that,"Clarke would never, where is she?"

"She's in the psych ward, she's not aloud any visitors yet..." Noah whispered,"But... I checked the records, which is a very, very illegal thing to do may I add... but her name, not on the list. She isn't even added to potential residents of clients."

"She's rather escaped," Bear said, turning to Monty,"Or they've taken her somewhere."

President Wallace entered the room with three other recipients, who left his side when he walked over to the bar. Before Monty could stop her, Bear stood up and stride towards President Wallace.

Noah, Reese, and Monty noticed that the way Bear walked reminded them of a predator treading steadily after its vulnerable prey.

Pulling up beside him, she leaned into President Wallace's side so that what she says only he could hear, to everyone around it looks like they were simply sharing a chat that they couldn't make out.

"Do you know what a Bear does with its prey, President Wallace?" Bear smiled, her eyes darkening, a snarling smirk taking place on her bloody red lips.

Turning her head to the side, she watched his face fall in displeasure of the girls antics,"No? Keep testing me and you'll find out."

Authors notes:
I know the last few chapters have been short and simple, but I'm building up to something...

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