Extra: Adagio's Bizarre Adventure Part 1

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Mystic Blood
Adagio awakened to the strikes of the lightning that night. The clouds of darkness circulated, and it began to rain. She remembered nothing, of how she got there or where she was? She saw lights in the distance, and headed toward their direction. She was limping, and having difficulty walking on two limbs.

She entered into a diner full of people, she took a seat at the counter, still drenched and dragged mud all over the floors. The waitress walked over to her.

"Anything I can get you?" The waitress asked. Adagio looked at her, confused.

"I-I'm not sure..." Adagio said.

"You lost?" The waitress asked.

"I don't really know." Adagio said.

"I lost something once!" A person from the diner said. "I lost something I couldn't live without... my identity!" Adagio and the waitress looked to the far edge of the diner, near the door. It was a young girl, with purple hair, tanish skin, with an orange jacket. She sat up proudly in her booth. Adagio walked over to her.

"Identity?" Adagio asked. Scootaloo had a mug up to her lips, and drank the rest of what was left. She gasped as she placed down the mug.

"Yep! A complete change in myself, who I want to be. But, I was lost. Seeking validation and praise such as my idol!" Scootaloo said.

"Odd." Adagio said. "I thought you literally lost your identity."

"Who's to say I didn't?! Thinking my life revolved around everyone else but myself!" Scootaloo added.

"I see." Adagio replied.

"The name's Scootaloo!" Scootaloo said, as she held out her hand to Adagio.

"A-Adagio." Adagio said, as she shook Scootaloo's hand.

"Adagio huh? Sounds different! Where are you from?" Scootaloo asked.

"I don't remember..." Adagio said.

"Really? Sounds like amnesia to me!" Scootaloo enlightened.


"Yeah, lost your memory, or just became stupid!"

"Yeah? Thanks..."

"Don't worry I'll help ya find your memory!"

"You will? Aren't you just a kid?"

"Hey, you want my help or not?"

"Okay okay, don't get all defensive..."

"Good! So since you lost your memory, I bet you have nowhere to sleep?"

"Guess you're right..."

"Don't you worry! I gotcha!"

"Thank you... Scootaloo."

They arrived at an odd place, nearby Canterlot High school. Scootaloo opened the door. It was a small house, modern layout, and simply plain.

"Is your mom going to freak out about this?" Adagio asked.

"Mom is not here. I live with a relative." Scootaloo said.

"Who?" Adagio continued.

"Not important, but there you go!" Scootaloo said, as she pointed to a room that had a bunk bed, a large dresser, and a window that had a curtain draped over it.

"Thank you." Adagio said.

"No probs!" Scootaloo enlightened. "I got top bunk!" As Scootaloo climbed up and slammed her body to the bed.

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