Chapter 2: Helpless

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Sunset dreamt of nightmares that kept her in fear of Twilight.

Sunset was walking to an odd building. The building was not familiar in the slightest to her, but she felt like she had been there before. She was her ponyself. Sunset looked around her, and there was a fogginess that surrounded her, along with dead trees that no longer held leaves together on the branches. It was nighttime, with the moon glowing at the peak in the skies. She came to the building, and it looked as if it was an abandoned mansion in the middle of the woods. Sunset knocked on the door, and it had opened fairly slowly. She was greeted by human Princess Twilight. Which made her feel comforted. She held out her hand and brought her inside the mansion. Inside of it was covered in reds and blacks, the carpeting was bright red and the walls were a darkened wood that still held a glossy pigment to give it's richness and texture. There were candles and torches that partially lit up the room, like an old castle. Princess Twilight held Sunset's hand, as she realized she was in her human form. Princess Twilight then dragged her further into the mansion, where she saw pictures of familiar faces on the walls, painting of places she had been too, and passed many doorways. Princess Twilight stopped at one of the doors, and opened it. She brought her to a refined room. Near the center against the wall was a large king-sized bed that had black sheets, a fluffy red blanket, and was enclosed with a transparent black curtain draped from the four corners against the railing of the bed. The room had a small desk and chair in the far right corner of the room. There was a large wardrobe in the other corner, and the rest of the room was darkened by shadows that lingered everywhere it was not lit. Princess Twilight then laid Sunset down to the bed. She had wrapped her in the sheets and blankets, making her comfortable. Princess Twilight also laid with her. Sunset was hoping she would. They both laid there, starting to get sleepy. The comfort of Princess Twilight with her made Sunset feel relaxed.

Sunset felt something underneath the sheets that made her crawl up to the top of the bed. A few seconds later, Princess Twilight felt like she was being dragged. Sunset quickly grabbed her hands as Princess Twilight was about to be taken away into the darkness. Sunset tried to pull her in, but her grip suddenly lost strength and Princess Twilight was taken away. Sunset sat in the bed, alone and afraid of walking out of the curtains. She heard a giggle coming from the side of her. Sunset quickly turned to look and saw Princess Twilight sink below underneath the bed. Sunset walked up and checked underneath. Sunset saw nothing. And got back up, until she heard it behind her. Sunset slowly turned around and saw that the wardrobe was opened with scratch marks all over the inside of it. She kept turning the other direction. Sunset saw the desk, and there was something carved into it. It had an eye symbol which looked familiar to her. Sunset turned around and saw Twilight with no facial features and enormous eyes staring from the other side of the room. With her hands, bloodied, and the fingernails cracked and ripped into her skin. Twilight hovered to her, but Sunset went back to the bed. She stood until she felt like she was safe enough to head for the door. Sunset opened the door and bolted through the hallway Princess Twilight took her through. The pictures on the walls became blank and the painting smeared like someone had used their hand to wipe it away. Sunset didn't look back until she found the front door she came out of.

Sunset was outside. She looked and saw that she was inside her house. She went back through the door, and came out to the front entrance of Canterlot High. She saw the mirror and stallion statue. She went to it, and placed her hand over it, but it was solid. The mirror had her reflection, but it was her ponyself. It changed in front of her to a familiar face, the demon she became.

Sunset backed away from it, and turned to the school entrance. She saw Twilight standing at the door. Both the demon and Twilight came to her. Sunset ran for it, but they caught her. Sunset tried to wake herself up.

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