Chapter 7: Love

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Rarity phoned Pinkie Pie, she asked her to keep Sweetie Belle safe because she had a feeling they were coming for her next. Pinkie came over as quickly as she could, to take Sweetie Belle.

"Pinkie, thank you so much!" Rarity said.

"Of course Rarity! What's happening?!" Pinkie asked.

"No time to explain, just make sure you keep her safe, okay?!"

"I will Rarity, I will!" Pinkie responded.

"Sister, what's wrong, what is happening?!" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Sweetie, I need you to trust me and go with auntie Pinkie, okay?!" Rarity said sincerely.

"Okay..." Sweetie Belle said, as she was wiping her eyes and yawning, as she was still sleepy. Pinkie took her, and they both headed outside, ready to head to Pinkie's house.

Before Pinkie was able to make it to the sidewalk of her house, she saw Applejack's truck pull into the driveway.

"Oh, Applejack! She could give us a ride!" Pinkie Pie said. "Wait a minute..." Pinkie squinted and saw someone else get out. Pinkie ran for it, and carried Sweetie Belle.

Aria got out of the truck, and headed inside Rarity's house.

Rarity locked herself in the room, and had her element, ready for action. Rarity called out to Twilight, before she heard the door open. Aria came and bust down the door. Rarity used her element to restrain her to the wall. Aria struggled and tried to use her power to overthrow Rarity's shield.

"What have you done with Applejack?!" Rarity asked, as she had tears in her eyes.

"Wouldn't you like to know?!" Aria said sarcastically. Rarity pushed further, and Aria's body was being squished into the walls.

"Where?!!!" Rarity continued. Aria grunted, and felt uncomfortable. Aria caused the wall to crack in which Rarity drew back. Aria moved from the shield and ran for Rarity. Rarity blocked her again. Aria then tried an offensive strategy. As she tried to punch and kick hoping she would land one on her. But, Rarity was quick and agile to block her every move. Rarity pushed her back, and she grabbed a couple of fabric pieces from her desk, and she had used them to wrap her arms and legs individually and together. Aria couldn't move.

"Damn you!" Aria yelled, as she tried to free herself. Rarity then pulled something out of her pocket, which was a taser.

"Tell me where Applejack is, or I will electrify you!!!" Rarity demanded.

"Do it! I dare you!!!" Aria responded. Rarity was breathing heavily, and was about to do it, but she stopped.

"Enough." A voice said, Rarity slowly looked up and she saw another girl wearing all black clothing, and had a blunt weapon in hand. "Let her go! Or else, your friend gets it!" Rarity slowly got up, and looked at her magenta eyes.

"A-Adagio!" Rarity stuttered.

"I see my reputation, proceed me!" Adagio said sarcastically. Rarity then saw something come from behind Adagio. It was a winged demon, with deep red skin and a glowing horn coming from her forehead.

"S-Sunset?" Rarity said. Demon Sunset then lifted her hand, and swiped it down to Rarity. Rarity out of instinct, blocked it with a shield, but Adagio pulled up her blunt object and smacked her. Knocking her unconscious.

Twilight was contacted by Rarity.

T: Slow down Rarity, what's going on?!
R: Listen, I don't have much time, but I think Applejack and the other's are in danger! We need to get together now before all hell breaks loose, do you understand me?!
T: Yes, I will do what I can!
R: Hurry!

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