Chapter 4: Broken

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It was about a half an hour when the group reconvened at Twilight's house. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity arrived.

"Hey, what's up?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Don't ask." Applejack suggested.

"Please be silent!" Rarity added.

"Fine." Rainbow Dash grunted.

"You guys are finally here!" Sunset enlightened.

"What's goin' on?!" Applejack asked.

"Look." Sunset requested, as she held up the memory stone. The girls gasped.

"That..." Rarity pointed to it. "What is that?"

"It's the memory stone!" Sunset said. "The memory stone steals a person's memory, and it also can wipe anyone's memory of you." The girls were silent. "It was the time you all forgot about me."

"No, wonder it doesn't ring a bell..." Rarity added. "I simply can't remember when that happened."

"Seriously?" Rainbow Dash interrupted. "I remember it. We all thought Sunset was still bad, so we basically casted her out of our group!" Everyone was awkwardly silent.

"Look, I don't want to be reminded of it. Let's just move on to Twilight!" Sunset suggested.

"Right!" Pinkie shouted.

"The only way to restore Twilight's memory is to destroy it... but..." Sunset stopped in the middle of her sentence.

"But what?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know how long it's been since that time, it could already be too late, she could have lost everything..." Sunset cried.

"What do ya mean?" Applejack questioned.

"Within three days after the sun sets, the memory that was absorbed into the stone, disappears... forever!" Sunset stated, the girls were worried. "Twilight... could already be gone..."

"Then let's waste no time, let's destroy it now!" Applejack ordered. The girls nodded.

The girls gathered together outside. Twilight was still asleep, but she was with them, so they could manifest their power. The girls were grouped in a line, they held their hands together and focused. They felt the surge of power running through them like an electrical current. Sunset transformed into Daydream. The girls remained in their normal form. Sunset levitated, she lifted her hands up, and swung her arms down to where they placed the stone. The stone cracked being engulfed with Sunset's powerful beam of light. It then burst. The stone had opened, several strings of colors aerated from it. The girls could describe them as movie reels. A few of them went into Twilight.

Sunset changed back, and went over to Twilight. Sunset lifted her up by her shoulders. Twilight moaned, and her eyes twitched and opened them slowly.

"Twilight?" Sunset asked softly. Twilight opened her eyes, and they were less frightening than before. They were a sparkling beauty like the stars of the night.

"Sunset..." Twilight spoke softly. "Thank you." Twilight hugged Sunset tightly. The girls smiled, and came in for a hug as well.

"I'm so happy you're back Twilight!" Pinkie enlightened.

"Thanks." Twilight said, as she ruffled her curls. Pinkie purred.

The girls took Twilight inside her house, and sat her down on her couch to rest.

"What happened Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That was so weird."

"I'm so sorry everyone... I didn't mean to cause so much trouble..." Twilight responded with sincerity.

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