Chapter 33

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Madison's POV

After a while of sitting in this embrace that was beginning to get awkward, I pulled away. I looked at Jake, the tears still rolling down my face.

"I am so sorry for everything. For giving you a hard time and even moving out without saying anything. You were so good to me when everything with my mom happened and even now you are still so supportive and you didn't deserve how I treated you sometimes." I said to him the tears starting to fill up in my eyes again.

"Listen Madison, I never really had a girlfriend, I saw girls as flings and hookups for a really long time, and it just became my personality. I was this hard core guy that was known to just hook up with any and every girl. But I want to be different, I want to change for you, because I really do think that we have something special here and that you and I could be something more, if that's what you want..." Jake said cautiously as if testing out my reaction and his face begged me not to reject him again.

"'s just that I really need some time. It's not that I don't feel something for you, I know I do. When we're together and when you're here with me I feel the sparks and I feel the connection to you, I just don't know what I need right now. But I will move back in, I feel as if it was wrong of me to move out in the first place. So let's start there and then we'll see where we end up, is that okay?" I said to back to him and it's like I felt this weight taken off my shoulders. It felt as if the pressure of having to decide what Jake and I were was removed.

"Yeah of course, take as much time as you need, I know you're going through some things right now, and I don't want to force anything that you wouldn't want." he said back to me, with a small smile on his face.

I could tell that he really did care about me, that it wasn't just a front.

"It's getting really late, do you want to stay over for the night, and I'll give you a lift to the cafe tomorrow to get a change of clothes?" Jake asked.

My heart fluttered at staying in the same house with him, and just being here with him again. I could still feel the warmth of his arms wrapped around my waist when we would fall asleep together.

"Yeah if that's alright, and I'll let Nancy know that I don't have to live there anymore, and pack my stuff up after school tomorrow." I said. My heart sank a bit after remembering what Liam had said to me about Nancy always wanting a daughter. I didn't know how I was going to be able to tell her that I was then moving out, after barely even two weeks of living there.

"Why don't you take a shower, and I'll get a change of clothes ready for you. I'm sure after the day you've had you could use one." He said teasingly to me.

"Hey! I don't smell that bad!" I said rolling my eyes as I walked towards the bathroom.

I forgot how nice his bathrooms were. After all he did have a huge house to fit all of the children in. I stripped down and put the shower on one of the hottest settings. It was one of my habits that I couldn't take showers unless the water was so hot it was almost burning my skin.

I was in the shower for a few moments wondering about what my next steps would be, and my mind kept going back to the letter my mom had written. My heart ached from reading that she had felt like there wasn't anything to live for. If I had known that she had ever felt that way, I would have said something, I would have done something.

Eventually, after almost 25 minutes, I knew I needed to get out. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my body and hair in towels. I walked out of the bathroom and Jake was sitting on my bed waiting for me, just sitting on his phone.

When I walked out, he looked over at a change of clothes on my dresser. I walked over and changed into a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts. I used the towel to wring out most of the water from my hair, though it was still damp.

At this point is was close to 12:30am as I had come over at 9pm. He laid down on the bed next to me and signaled for me to come and lay down next to him. I complied and slid under the covers on the bed next to him. He pulled me into his arms and we sat there in silence for a little while.

It wasn't an awkward silence, but rather a more comforting silence. That it could be quiet and nothing was wrong. I started to doze off, but before I fell asleep I felt him kiss the top of my headache "Goodnight beautiful" he whispered.

Author's Note

Heyyy another chapter done! What I'm going to be focusing on next is going through some of the old chapters and just checking for grammar and spelling errors, so if you see a bunch of updates coming up, that's what it'll be. I will be working on the next chapters, thank you guys for always being supportive readers, feel free to drop a comment below, and I'll also be going through some of the comments on previous chapters and replying to those as well. See you guys soon


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