Chapter 14

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We pulled up to the school and honestly I was exhilarated. I drove a motorcycle once or twice before but I have never been on the back of one like that and I have to say that it was way more fun then having to drive one and it's way easier as well. 

"So how was it?" he asked after he brought the brake down.

"IT WAS TERRIBLE!! I DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO RIDE AND YOU FORCED ME!" I screamed at him even though I really liked it. 

"Oh yeah princess, then why are your arms still around my waist?!?" he said with a smirk on his face. 

I looked down when I realized that he was right, I jerked my hands back almost falling off the bike in the process. 

Jake steadied my arms so that I didn't fall. 

"Oh get off me!" I said. 

I very carefully stepped off the bike and straightened out my clothes and tried to flatten down my hair before swinging my bag on my shoulder and walked into the school. 

The first thing I did was go to my locker, I was kind of nervous of running into Kayla and them. God I wasn't sure if I was mad or just pissed at this point. 

She took me clubbing, ME!

I'm the nerd!! I'm supposed to be at home reading or study for a couple of hours! That's what I used to always do!

I didn't like this anymore, enough is enough. After today I'm going back to what I used to do, and not have to worry about being friends with the popular people or being asked out by guys that have egos bigger then their IQS.

I realized that I had stood in front of my locker just daydreaming and that I needed to get to my first class in 15 minutes, so that I would still be early enough. 

I walked into the bathroom and I washed off my face, taking off all the makeup. I then brushed out my hair that I had braided just before I left the house. It was now a frizzy and gross mess. 

I tied it quickly into a low ponytail then looked at my outfit. I still looked like a prissy little girl. Whatever it would have to do for today, at least I had a natural look right now. 

I walked out of the bathroom and to my first class. I sat down in the middle section of the second to lst row and pulled out my book. I sat down reading and just waited. As the time went by more and more students got into the room. 

I could hear them all whispering around me and as much as I wanted to ignore them, my brain just wouldn't let me. I put my books in my bag and took out my normal books for class. 

I tried to pay attention, I really did but all my brain could focus on at the moment was the little whispers here and there. 

Thank god soon afterwards the bell rang, I don't know how much more of this I could stand. It was so annoying.

The rest of the day went by slowly until I bumped into Jennifer. She had the devil in her eyes and when she saw me, oh that really got her on. 

"Oh ho look who it is?!?" she said with an evil looking smirk on her face. 

"Just leave me alone Jennifer!" I said angrily and tried to walk past her. 

"Oh you know I won't do that. You stay away from Jake, that is your first and your last warning because he's mine. He will never ever love you, he's just playing with you. Now go on and run on back to the little hole you came from!" she said in a prissy tone and then turned around whipping me in the face with her hair and walked away with her little gang following behind her. 

I just stood there stunned, I wasn't sure what just happened but it hurt inside. 

"Hey there, are you okay?" a voice asked, a deep one at that. 

I turned to look at the person that said that. 

It was a guy who was a least a couple inches taller then me, 3 or 4.  He had dark brown hair that wasn't gelled and was just ruffled and ended just before his neck. He had green eyes that shined like emeralds. 

I just nodded and suddenly felt very awkward. 

"I'm Jason, and you?" he said.

"I'm Madison." I said. 

"It's not right the way that Jennifer treats you, ya know? You ought to fight back one day." he said with determination in his eyes. 

"I don't know I mean I'm fine with the way things are and after tomorrow I'll go back to being my old self. I'll go back to being the quiet little nerd that I was the first day of school." I said to him. 

"Well you're stuck with me, a nerd or not." he said and then pulled out his phone and handed it to me. 

"Put you're number in." he said shortly. 

I put my number in and then  pulled out my phone and handed it to him and he put his number into my phone. 

"It is very nice to meet you Madison!" he said and then saluted me which made us both smile before he walked away. The bell then rang, damn it now I'm late. 

I rushed to my next class quickly and sat down in the only open seat left. I smiled to no one but myself, hey maybe making friends wasn't that hard. 

My phone vibrated quietly from inside my bag but I knew it wasn't loud enough to alert anyone else. 

I very subtly pulled my phone from my bag and into my lap. 

"Hey how's class?"  came a text from Jason.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I texted him back. 

"I am in class" he texted back with a smirk emoji. 

I looked up smiling, I wasn't sure why though. When I didn't respond he texted me again making my lap vibrate. 

"Meet me after school on top of the roof. I'll be waiting!" he texted.

I responded with "Kk"  and put my phone back into my bag. 

Maybe I'm not as alone as I thought.

Author's Note

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter and keep voting, and make sure to follow. Don't be a silent reader, I wanna read what you guys think so make sure that you comment. 


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