Chapter 9

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Picture of Ace

I woke up the next morning and god was I tired. Usually I get more sleep then this and my body couldn't handle the lack of it.

I picked up my head and looked over at the clock and it read 7:15, it was still early I kept saying to myself. But I knew that it really wasn't.

I picked my tired body out of bed and got up. Every single part of me wanted to crawl back under the covers and not come back out.

I walked over to my closet and looked over my clothes. Even though I had so many, it felt like I have none and picking out clothes everyday was a struggle.

After about 5 minutes of walking back and forth my bedroom and staring aimlessly at my closet I decided that I wanted something both fancy and casual to show off my new hair.

I looked over at all of the dresses that I have. After taking almost all of them off the hangers and trying them on I decided on a slim black dress that ended mid-thigh.

The sleeves on the dress ended a few inches above my wrist and were made of black lace. I paired the dress with a pair of black stilettos, and a black purse.

I looked back at the clock and now it was 7:36. Ugh only another 9 minutes till I have to rush out the door.

I brushed out my hair and surprisingly it didn't need to be straightened or curled. Today it was straight but curled a bit at the ends.

I did as little makeup as possible today so it looked as natural as possible.

I put on mascara, foundation just under my eyes and then a light coat of light pink lip gloss.

I rushed down the stairs and surprisingly it was really quiet. Especially for this early in the morning, usually there would be a million kids running around like crazy trying to get ready.

I pushed it off to the side considering I was border line late. I had to rush to get to school and let me tell you that was a struggle in heels.

Finally I got to school and somehow I had made it there on time. I don't know how, but I did.

When I walked up the front everyone's eyes were on me. I smiled because I love all the attention. I heard whispering and then not so subtle whispering,

"Her hair looks amazing!" one said,

"Is that Madison?!?!" another one said,

"She looks great." Said another.

This was basically all I heard as I walked up to my locker. More stairs though, and let me tell you I am surprised I did not break my face by falling.

I got up to my locker and surprisingly it wasn't Kayla that was there but instead a guy. He was holding flowers and chocolates.

I first checked, no it wasn't a fancy holiday, and it wasn't my birthday. Hm this is weird.

I walked over to my locker and he handed me the flowers and chocolates.

"Why thank you." I said.

He looked me up and down, checking me out.

"I'm sorry, do you need something?" I asked.

His face flushed and he smirked before asking

"Hey, wanna go out some time?

He wasn't bad looking. Saying he looked good would be an understatement. He was obviously fit, he was wearing a white tee that exposed his muscles, and blue jeans, with white Jordans. His had dark black hair that was messy like he had just rolled out of bed, but it did not look bad. He had blue eyes and a nice smile.

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