Chapter 26

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Madison's POV

I finally was in the front of the cafe, panting with little beads of sweat dripping down my face. I put my hand into my back pocket to grab my phone. When I realized IT WASN'T THERE!!

SHIT! I MUST HAVE DROPPED IT WHEN RUNNING FROM JAKE!! SHIT!!! I really hope he doesn't know my password.....


"Are you going to just stand there or are you going to get to work?" Nancy asked poking her head out the front door. 

"Sorry just thinking." I said and walked inside the cafe. It wasn't that busy so it wasn't going to be a long afternoon. Nancy still looked stressed out but I was getting the feeling that it was just her natural look considering that it was one of the only looks that I saw. 

I put on my apron and I started walking around helping out the few customers that we there. The hours went by in what felt like minutes. 

At the end I was tired from just being awake I can't imagine what a packed day would be like. 

I put away my apron and Nancy finished closing up when I went upstairs. I had almost forgotten. It just sunk in. I had to share a room with Liam. 


I put down my school stuff in the living room and I walked into Liam's room. He wasn't in there. 

I was in a guy's room. In all my life I have never been in a guy's room other than Jake. 


Whatever. He had a medium sized room. The floor was covered in a dark green carpet. There was one bed that looked like a queen size. He had a couch pushed up against the wall, a small one. Near the far corner was door which I'm guessing was a closet. 

 On one side was a little dresser a couple inches from the bed. On the other side pushed up against the other wall was a book shelf and a closet. 

The walls were painted a nude color with a few photos and posters hung on the walls. 

I stood in the doorway kind of just observing. Liam came up behind me. "Oh hey Madison" he said. 

"I'll take the couch." I volunteered and started towards the couch.

 "No you take the bed, I'll take the couch." he said. 

"Are you sure?" I asked him unsure not wanting to abuse my privilege to stay here. 

"Yeah of course!" he said and smiled at me. 

He was really nice considering that I was basically an intruder. 

He walked towards the bed and pulled a blanket out from under the bed. He plopped himself down comfy on the couch and lay playing on his phone.

I kicked off my shoes and put them next to the bed before sliding under the covers.

I laid down my head on the pillow before I heard 

"You mean a lot to her you know, my mom. When she was younger she was pregnant with a baby girl, 8 months. She went into labor early and the baby died before they could save her." he said kind of choking up a little. Or at least I thought he was, I couldn't see his face but I could hear it in his voice. 

"Just be gentle with my mom she's real nice all she ever wanted was a daughter." he said and then went back to playing on his phone. 

I sat in his bed and just thought about that. I can't imagine how horrible it must have been to have to have to carry a baby inside you for 8 months and then to just lose that baby in labor.

Before I knew it I was out like a light. 

A/N HEY GUYS! I'm so excited because I feel like the story just turned and now it is getting just so much better! I really hope you guys are excited and be ready for the plot twist that's going to happen!!

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