Chapter 3

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 Picture of Jake's Mom

It was a short car ride, only 7 minutes, not that I had been counting or anything weird like that.

It felt like it had been over an hour. The ride had been awkward and down right weird. He could be a serial killer for all I know and yet I hopped into his car, not knowing really anything about him.

We stopped in front of a three story brick house. It was an old house, but you couldn't tell unless you looked at it in detail. He hopped out of the other side of the car. I was still kind of it shock, frozen in my seat.

"Are you coming or not?" He asked and he opened my door for me.

He reached his hand out for me to take it. I pushed his hand away, and got out by myself. I looked around, he had a nice block.

Then I realized that I had no idea where I was. The entire time I was in the car, I was too busy thinking. There were neighbors on every side of his house, on one side there was an older women watering her flowers in the front of her lawn.

On the other side of his house was a couple in their late twenties sitting together on their porch. In the front of his house were many children running around playing a game of some sort, they were running so fast that I couldn't even count them.

I let out a sigh but Jake obviously heard it.

"I know it's a little much, I'm sorry." He said, looking embarrassed by his family. I thought the kids running around were absolutely adorable, and I loved seeing them so happy. Considering that I didn't really have much of a family, and certainly not children growing up, this was amazing to see for me. 

They were just so cute running back and forth on the lawn. Jake grabbed my bag from the trunk and placed it down in front of me on the sidewalk.

"Thanks." I muttered.

I grabbed the handle of my bag and pulled it closer to me. I continued to watch the little children play, they were so cute.

Standing in the doorstep was an older woman, she had long blonde hair that traveled down her back and ended just above her waist. She was wearing jeans, and a black short sleeved shirt with a brown colored apron hanging from her neck and tied around her waist.

That must be his mom. She eyed me closely and then I turned away when it started to get awkward.

"Don't mind her." He muttered. He grabbed the bag and swung it over his shoulder and grunted as he walked toward his house. I followed behind him.

"Aw, Jakey did you bring a girl home?" Her mom cooed.

I smirked, haha this blackmail list was going to continue to increase.

"Fuck off bitch." He said in something like a monotone. His mom looked hurt, but jumped back quickly.

"She can take the spare bedroom, just make sure she feels comfortable." she said and smiled cheerfully.

We started to walk to the door.

He pushed the door open and we stepped inside. The house was huge, it looked small on the outside but it was huge on the inside.

There was a huge living room which was the first room closest to the door, and the first room we passed. I peered into the room. There was a huge flat screen television set hanging from the wall.

There was three couches sitting in a circle around the television. There was a bunch of bookshelves pushed up against the wall.

We walked past a bunch of rooms, each room filled with different things. There was a gaming room, a library, a kitchen, a bunch of bedrooms, and a salon. He walked past these rooms and then stopped outside one. He pushed open the door and laid my bag down next to the bed.

"Make yourself comfortable." he said in a gruff tone.

I sat down on the bed. The covers were rose printed and there were a bunch of pillows laid down on a queen sized bed. I took out my clothes and put them into the white wardrobe aside my bed.

I took my hair out from the messy ponytail that it was in and I changed into messy clothes, a baggy shirt and baggy sweatpants.

I threw myself down on the bed, and wow was it soft. I had no idea what I was going to do. I was all alone and I had no one. I was inside of a stranger's house and lying down on some random bed. I looked at my phone.

It was 9:00 at night already. At this point, I would have called my mom to say good night and I love her. Those times were gone now. 

I laid my head down and closed my eyes. I was too tired to even think. My eyes were too weak to even really stay open. Yet, somehow my thoughts were running wild. 

As I laid there I started to think, what was I even to do. I have no more family, not a job, I can't stay here forever, can I? 

The thoughts started to overwhelm me and before I knew it, I was fast asleep. 

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