Chapter 16

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God I was acting like a baby! Seriously this guy had such a bad effect on me and it didn't help that I kind of lived with him. 

Of course I was in no shape to complain because quite honestly if he hadn't swept me off my feet like Prince Charming then I would probably be on the street still. 

A soon as I reached my room I gently shut the door and then went over to my wardrobe. I took out a brush and untangled the knots from my long hair. 

I undressed down to my undergarments, and then walked over to my closet and picked out some comfy pajamas and slipped into them. 

 I picked out an outfit for the next day anticipating waking up late the next day honestly at this point it really wouldn't really surprise me. 

I didn't want to be preppy but I didn't want to be nerdy. 

I decided to pair a black skirt that ended just above my knees with a pink V-neck sweater and a pair of black and white converse. 

I left the shoes on my dresser and then slipped underneath the covers and pulled my hair into a bun and laid down. I just kind of sat in my bed just for a little while just thinking. 

I was kind of happy that I was starting to make friends and not enemies because I really just didn't want to be that girl, you know the one that everyone secretly hates. 

I'm pretty sure that at least half the school only just now learned that I exist. I mean I know I was quiet and off to the side but damn like seriously I was still in like half on your classes and I was in your lunch even though I didn't talk you still should have noticed me.

Even though I know at least more then 75% of the school I only talk to a mere percent or two. Not even like I Think that in the past week that I started to even gain even a tiny bit of popularity I have talked to more people then I have ever in a school environment.

I decided that I was letting my thoughts overwhelm me and I just decided I was way too tired to even consider staying awake for much longer.

I closed my eyes and let my eyes drift until they fell to a closed state. 


I opened up my eyes and let the brightness that filled the room fill my eyes as I blinked trying to adjust them. 

I sat up and stretched my arms out and groaned. I flipped the covers off to the other side and got up, even though the floor was carpeted my feet still felt cold. I looked over to the clock and I had actually woken up on time for once in my life. 

I kind of figured that since school started and I had moved from my house I would never adjust to being in a different room, different people, and a different sleep schedule. 

IT sounds kind of stupid but I have had sort of a difficult time adjusting to being in a new house and not having my mom around anymore and Jake being an ass all the time really doesn't help so I mean it's just an all out difficult battle. 

I switched in my clothes and brushed out my crazy bedhead. I made sure to be on some light lip gloss and some mascara. I was all ready for school and I still had some time. 

Thank god it was Friday. I loved Friday's because after today it is finally the weekend and I could just relax and not have to get up at insane hours and go to school. I think that is how much people feel but instead of just chilling on the weekend they usually go to parties or clubs to hang out. 

After last time I think I'll be staying away from clubs for a while at least because when I am there I am always way too vulnerable. I need to learn how to take better care of myself. 

Anyways brushing off that thought because that honestly just brought back memories that weren't so good. The waft of food from the kitchen drifted up the stairs and into my room. I smelled chocolate chip pancakes and my mouth automatically started to water starting to get the urge to run down the stairs and shove a whole plate full of them in my mouth. 

I grabbed a bag and dumped it out of my bed. Surprisingly it had a bunch of garbage in it, I had gum, wrappers, broken pencils, and some pencil shavings. 

I threw most of it in the trash and then I grabbed a new bag of pencils and took out a few before neatly placing them into my bag. I put my phone and some headphones in the bag as well. 

I ran downstairs feeling like a giddy toddler ready to walk into a candy store, but in my case a pancake store. 

When I reached downstairs the table was filled with stacks of pancakes, I guess Jake's mom had been up really early today, this must have taken forever. 

I grabbed three off the stack that I was sitting closest to and popped them in my mouth eating each one whole. 

God every bite was filled with warm gooey chocolate chip pancakes. 

Surprisingly the table was really quiet I mean I had to walk to school soon, so I had to eat fast but quite honestly it was still early for this family. 

I finished shoving my face with pancake after pancake I rushed out the door on my way to school. Ugh another long day at school, yaaaaaaay (make sure to note the sarcasm.)

Author's Note

I hope you guys like this chapter I know that it isn't really that long but I promise that the next one will be very long and I hope you guys make sure to follow me, vote, and comment if you guys want anything such as characters getting together or any mistakes I made, I think I'm going to start editing some of my chapters starting with one so if you see anything make sure you say something! I hope you like this chapter!


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