Chapter 18

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Madison's POV

I pried my head off of a very wet t-shirt and then memories came flooding back to me. 

"Hey you're awake" Jason said with a smile on his face. 

I hugged him

"Oh thank god you're okay, I don't even know what got into Jake he was being such an ass and I'm so sorry.." I continued to ramble on and on knowing that I really needed to shut my mouth. 

"It's fine Mad" he said sighing. 

I looked at the clock above the bookshelf on the other side of the room, and it was getting late. 

"I got to go, I'm sorry!" I said getting up. 

"Okay just give me a second and I'll give you a ride" he said starting to get up. 

"I don't think so, you need to rest, I suggest you stay here overnight, in fact I insist!" the nurse said walking into the room. 

Jason looked like he was about to protest before I cut in, 

"It's fine I'll call Jake's mom for a ride!" I said giving him a reassuring smile. 

"Okay, just get home safe!" he said and I smiled at him before leaving the nurse's office. 

It wasn't until I got outside before it was dark, I pulled out my phone. 

I scrolled down my contacts before I got to Jake's mom and then tapped the call button. 

1 ring......

2 rings.....

3 rings.......

4 rings.....

5 rings.....

No answer.

I tried again and I got the same results. 

Whatever it'll be fine, it's only like a 20 minute walk anyways I said to myself. 

I started walking home humming along to myself. 

It wasn't until I stopped humming when I realized that it was an empty street and dark at that, the only light was a flickering street lamp. 

I felt a sudden tug on my wrist and then my head was smashed into the concrete wall behind me. I couldn't see for my life, only the dark face in front of me and suddenly I was scared. 

I left something cold against the skin on my wrist and then an annoying pain. I let out a light scream before a cold and dirty hand covered my mouth. 

"Tell Jake that Zeke has some unfinished busy with him." he said in a disgusted voice and then slammed me back against the wall and walking away. 

I was almost too stunned to me and my legs only ran on the adrenaline that was fueled that out of fear that the same thing could happen again. 

What did he mean? 

What unfinished business could Jake possibly have with some dirty street guy like him....

I looked down at my arm that was dripping with blood as was my head from the impact, both were only slightly damaged but they both still ached. 

I rushed home as fast as my feet could carry me. 

I pulled my sweatshirt over me before I came inside and I was soon met with the interrogation of none other then Jake himself. 

"And just where were you?" he asked with a stern voice. 

"Sorry dad I was busy with a friend." before huffing off. 

I just then noticed that the house was oddly quiet. 

"Hey where is everyone?" I asked him. 

"Oh didn't my mom tell you, she had a business trip and took all the kids with her for 3 weeks. So now it's just us two!!" he said with his mischievous smirk placed on his face. 

He eyes drooped down to my hand which had bled through the sweatshirt. 

He pulled up the sleeve to see the long cut that run up my arm, and suddenly he had his protective face on. 

"Who did this to you?!?!" he asked his voice leaking with rage. 

"No one Jake, I'm going to bed" I said shortly after walking away and grabbing the first aid kit from the shelf in the bathroom. 

"Well someone had to have done it, now tell me so I can beat them into a bloody pulp." he said. 

"No one Jake, now drop it!" I said after finishing wrapped up my wrist. 

He turned me around so that I was facing him. 

"Come on Madison, don't mess around with me." he said and then pulled up my now bandaged arm "this isn't okay" he said with a straight face.  

"Whatever, I'm fine now" I said trying to void the subject. 

"JESUS CHRIST JUST TELL ME!" he screamed getting so close to my face I could feel his breath on my lips. 

Honestly him doing that scared the hell out of me, but I wasn't going to tell him that. 

"Zeke." I muttered under my breath before running as fast as I could into my room. 

I wasn't sure why I was running but I was tired and just didn't feel like dealing with a lecture from Jake right now. 

I could hear him close behind me. 

I didn't close the door in time behind he tackled me onto the bed until we were in some sort of weird cuddling position with him holding me in his arms. 

"I'm sorry." I heard him whisper before sleep took over me. 

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