Chapter 19

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Madison's POV

I woke up again in Jake's room contemplating what my next actions should be. As usual he had his arm slung around my lower abdomen and he was dead in a deep sleep.

I shifted uncomfortably and tried to get out of his death grip that he was using on me.

When I finally got out of his grip I was on the floor and groaning in pain.

"What happened..." I heard a low groaning voice from the bed. Oh great and the best is up.

"Madison.....?" he asked and I heard him reach around looking for me in the empty sheets.

When I finally saw his head poke out from above the bed "Why are you on the floor?" he asked obviously trying to hold in a laugh.

"I fell off." I said straight forward stating the obvious.

"Wanna come back on the bed?" he said smirking and raising his eyebrows.

"No! You don't get to do this you don't get to act all nice and then be a fucking dick at school, just leave me the fuck alone!!" I screamed at him, and left the room slamming the door behind me.

I was so sick and tired of his bullshit!!

God you think he's actually a sort of decent guy and then he turns so quickly you'd think he's two different people.

I walked over to my room, and put on some Navy blue sweatpants and a blank tank top with a light sweatshirt and put on a pair of slides. I tied my hair into a messy bun and dabbed on some like lip gloss and some mascara.

I grabbed my bag and my books. I rushed down the stairs doing a little spin front the second o last stair. I walked into the kitchen and it was quiet, well sort of, there were two of Jake's siblings, their names which I knew that I would never remember.

"No I was born first so I should get to eat the last pop tart!" one screamed.

"You were only first by a couple seconds, and I'm smarter so I should get the last pop tart!" the other yelled back.

"You only think that because you spelled ball right!" the other yelled.

"Well obviously, everyone knows that you spell ball with two l's and not one you're just stupid!"the other yelled back.

"Guys guys let me settle this!" I said getting in between them before sealing the pop tart and running down the hall with it.

I heard the patter of the two little boys behind me as I continued to speed up faster and faster. That was until I slammed into Jake.

"Nooooooooo!" I screamed as the pop tart flew in the air and into the empty hand of a very amused Jake who looked up then turn and sprinted off in the opposite direction with us not far behind.

"Gimme the pop tart!!" I screamed sprinting behind him and after a couple of seconds I could tell that the twins had given up.

"Haha try and catch me!" Jake said through laugh while sprinting away.

Oh my god how big can this house possibly be!! I continued to think in my head.

I finally got close to him and then using all of my strength I jumped and landed on his back, and on instinct I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and he grabbed me, but tripped and we both went tumbling to the floor.

"Nooooooo my pop tart!!" I said reaching over him to try and grab it but I was just a mere centimeters away from my fingers.

"Nope!" Jake said flipped us over so that he was on top and smirked above me. Not leaving eye contact he slowly grabbed the pop tart from above my head and ate it extremely slowly. My god this was torture. I suddenly jerked up and snapped the pop tart and continued to eat it with a smirk of my own on my face, oooooh it was strawberry, and it has sprinkles!!!

"Haha I win!" I said smiling underneath him.

"Yeah I think you did." he said smiling above me.

Oh god this is getting weird. Using all my strength and the fact that he was off guard I pushed him off of me and ran down the hall.

I grabbed my books and my bag and I rushed out the door only to slam into Jason. We both went to tumbling to the floor.

"Ughhhhh!" I groaned in pain oh my god I seriously need to stop falling on the floor.

I started laughing when I saw all my books scattered across my front lawn.

Do you ever get that feeling when everything just was so bad that you just laugh at how terrible it is? Yeah well that's what I did.

My books and everything in my bag along with Jason's stuff was scattered across the front lawn.

I heard a crackle and then droplets on the pavement. Yep it was raining. I was just sitting on the grass dying of laughter looking like a moron with Jason just looking at me like I was insane. And I partially was so.

"Why are you laughing?" Jason asked me and he looked like he was about to burst out laughing just looking at my face.

We were both laughing before I could even get the answer out and the rain continued to pour down even harder.

I haven't laughed this harder and to be felt nice.

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