Chapter 7

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Picture of Madison's Green Hair

Okay this was just crazy. It was like one of those things that you never imagine could happen and then you have a nightmare and it's actually happening. 



This is real life!

I kept looking in the mirror and touching my hair as if it was some kind of joke or maybe it would change back if I wanted it badly enough to. 

Sure enough no matter how hard I stared at my hair in the mirror, it remained that ugly shade of green piled in a lump at the top and sides of my head. 

I ran over to the shower and pulled out the bottle of shampoo and pulled off the cap. The contents were painted green. 

I chucked the bottle at the wall and the green splattered onto the cream colored walls. 

Ugh could today get any worse. 

There was a knock on the door.

"Almost done in there?" Jake's voice said through the hard wood door. 

"Y-Yeah just give me a second." I said stuttered a bit at the beginning. Ugh huge shocker, Jake got me once again, oh wait not at all a shocker. I grabbed one of the towels on the side that was closest to the shade of green and wiped down the walls.

The residue was still on the towel and a bit on the wall but it would do for now. I wrapped my hair in a towel and another one around my body. Grabbing my clothes I rushed out of the bathroom bumping into Jake on the way out. 

I rushed into my bedroom and locked the door behind me. 

I started to panic and I didn't know what to do. I tied my hair up in a bun and threw a beanie over it. 

I threw on a pair of jean shorts on and a long sleeved "PINK" shirt on with some white Nike Airs on my feet. I put on some light makeup, just some mascara and some light lip gloss. 

I grabbed my bag and my books and rushed out of my bedroom. 

I hopped down the stairs and into the kitchen. The kitchen table was full of tiny children snacking on a tall plate of pancakes sitting in the middle. I grabbed two and rushed out the door. 

I jogged to school since I was kind of late because of the whole green hair thing. 

I hadn't seen Jake today since this morning and I was kind of glad. I was so pissed at him for turning my hair green. 

The day was going fine for a while until I bumped into him. He was walking with pride down the hallway until he saw me. His lips turned upward. 

"Oh, I just l-o-v-e what you've done to your hair." he said with a smirk. 

"Oh you are going to get it!" I screamed and started chasing him down the hall. 

It stunk that he was a football player and was ten times faster then I was. I still tried though. We went around the school for a little while till he spoke

"Wait a second, why are you chasing me?" he said out loud. 

He turned around and started chasing me down the hall. I ran with all my might till he caught up with me. His hands found my stomach and tickled me silly until I begged him to stop. 

The second bell had rung indicating that we were now both late. 

"Ugh you suck!" I screamed at him throwing a light punch with no effort at his chest. 

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