Chapter 14. Nobody Move

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Angel sighed and pulled me into him. "I'm sorry, mami. I'm sure it's hard. I don't blame you for being upset. You do know that my dad doesn't have to walk you. It was merely an offer. You can pick someone else," Angel said.

"N-no, it's okay. I just always thought my dad would do it. You know? I'm glad your dad offered to do it. I want him to be the one to do it. I just miss my parents, that's all," I said. More tears fell down my cheeks. I wiped them away and sniffled.

Angel pulled me into him. He kissed the top of my head. "I'm sorry, mami. I would give anything to fix it," he said.

I buried my face in his chest and curled the rest of my body into his. "I know you would. I love you," I said.

"I love you," he murmured.

After a moment, he started to hum a song that he knew put me to sleep. Not many people knew about it. It was a song my dad used to sing to put me to sleep.

I yawned loudly and cuddled further into him. I closed my eyes and tried hard not to think about my dad or tomorrow.

Within minutes of Angel humming the song, I was out like a light.


When I woke the next morning, Angel was gone. I yawned and stretched. Well, at least nobody would be able to give us shit for sleeping together last night. I climbed out of bed and got dressed for the day.

The wedding ceremony wasn't until three o'clock. I had to get my hair and make-up done. I would put on my dress last.

Ace and Aria owned a beach house nearby, which is where we were going to get ready.

Angel and I were going to Hawaii for our honeymoon. Angel bought a house down there recently, and neither of us have seen it yet. Angel sent some workers down there to get it ready for us. Angel had seen images of it, but I haven't at all. All I knew was that it was near the beach as well.

There was a knock on my door as I was grabbing some of my things.

"Come in," I called.

The door opened. It was Adelina. "Hey," she said. "Are you ready to go to the beach house?"

"Yes, I am," I said.

Adelina took one of my bags for me, and we headed downstairs.

"The boys are already gone," Adelina informed me.

"Okay," I said.

They had to set some things up out back of the house so that we could sneak into the front. Adelina, Aria, Arianna, Cecilia, and I climbed into the limo. Andersen was driving us. He put my bags in the trunk.

Andersen was the one who was driving us to the airport later tonight as well. Angel had asked Andersen to be the one to do it.

It was only the second time I had been to the beach house. I marveled at it. I loved this beach house. Most of the walls were made of glass. However, many of the windows you could only see out and not in.

We headed upstairs to the master bedroom. I went into the bathroom and changed into a white robe. The rest of them changed into royal blue robes. Royal blue would be the color of their dresses.

Even though Aria and Ace weren't really in the wedding, we asked them to dress to our color code. I would wear all white except for the royal blue jewelry that I wore for the ball. Angel was wearing a black tux with a royal blue tie.

Angel (Book 4)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt