The ball

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"So savanna if sunny told me right you're going with atlas" I asked her. "Yep asked me last second" she replied trying to comb her hair. Robbie was going with coral which I think after a long lecture from mike. Sunny and saun are going as 'friends' I swear they got something going on between them.

"Rora you done" sunny asked. "Ya I think sav and coral are to" I told them. "Ok ladies down we go" we all walked down the stairs.

My dress:

With black jacket on top

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With black jacket on top

(Ps they don't look like the girls wearing the dresses)


With white jacket on topSavana:

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With white jacket on top

With white jacket on topSavana:

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With a leather jacket on top


With white jacket on top

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With white jacket on top

The guys were in the living room all wearing black tuxedos. I stifled a laugh at how formal they looked. "Miss rora. Shall we go" he said bowing. "We shall" I giggled taking his hand.

We all headed to the ballroom which was near dorms hallway. The ballroom looked amazing! It was decorated in blue like this:

 The ballroom looked amazing! It was decorated in blue like this:

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The buffet was on one side along with the tables. The stage was on the other side currently occupied by band playing slow music.

"Come on rora let's dance" Atlanta said grabbing my hand. He put one hand on my waist and the other holding my hand. I put my hand on his neck and the other clutching his hand. We waltz around listening to the music.

Sunny and saun were probably doing the best know they both took classes on earth. I turned to them sure enough they were in the center and giving each other the lovey dovey eyes I would be sure to ask about that later.

Soon we got tired of dancing and decided to eat. "So suns what's up with you and saun aye" I asked as she sat next to me. "I told you just friends" she exclaimed punching me lightly. "I wish I could write to mom about the ball. You know she really loves them" she sighed. "The offer still stands sunny you can turn back I won't be mad promise" I said patting her back. "Nah rosewood over this? Never" sunny smiled.

"Oh hey mike what happened to Melissa" I asked as he sulked over. "She went to go dance with some other guy" he sighed sitting down.

"Have you danced with coral yet. I think it's tradition to to a bro/sis dance" I said trying to cheer him up. "No I haven't but this is another couple song I'll join her after" he muttered. "Ok um till then why don't you eat something you must be hungry" I said shoving my plate towards him. "Thanks rora but I think I'll pass on food for the first time" he said depressed. "You liked her didn't you? You know just because she dances with others doesn't mean she dosnt like you" I told him. "Thanks rora" he said rising up.

He walked over to Melissa Evans. She smiled and started to dance with him again. I couldn't help but grin. "You know always liked that 'bout you,always seem to cheer everyone up" I turned to Atlanta. He sat there with a admiring expression on his face. Sunny was was in a conversation with saun about some what not. I smiled at him. "Oh stop it" I said blushing. "Anyway my lady wanna dance" he said standing up.

Then we danced the night away.

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