The present

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Before we begin this is aurora I want to say this pic isn't mine ok on with the story.

Aurora POV
I sat in class now usually I would pay attention in class but I just couldn't cause it was so hot. I thought about my three friends.

One was Sunny Miers. She had red hair and hazel eyes. She used teased about being a red head but the people soon realized that they shouldn't mess with her.

Next is Saun Mowers. He had brown hair,dark brown eyes and pale skin. He was quiet most of the time anyway sometimes he just never shuts up.

My last friend is Atlanta bridges. He had blue hair (dyed against his parents will) and green eyes. Many girls had a crush on him but he took no notice.

I thought about when I figured out my little secret


my orphanage was on a huge cliff. At sunset I would sit there for a while and stare at the world below and thinking about six year old stuff. Suddenly I felt the urge to fly, there was a tingle in my back and I felt soft Phoenix wings on my back. I spread the out and soared through the clouds.

Once I brought some lemonade to my cliff I was a little warm somehow my body got ahold of me and started zapping ice cubes out of my hand.

*End of flashback*

Now I had the sense to not tell anyone that I was quarter ice Phoenix though it's fun to prank others with it.

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