Oliver cook

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This is miss cook not my photo blah blah blah ok story time!!!

Within three weeks everyone was settled in and the house was looking good. I had explored Edwards point quite often I had to wear a disguise so no one would bother to attack me.

One afternoon I was reading a book from miss cook's library in my bedroom.

All of a sudden I was soaking wet. I looked up to see saun and Atlanta laughing saun was supporting Atlanta while. I got up and made my way to them. "Atlanta bridges and saun mowers you better clean me and my room up or I'll give you frostbite. You understand? If not then I'll make sure that you freeze till you die and you know my ice doesn't melt." I scolded them.

"Ya ya ok but will you help us do it to sunny we were reading how to conjure stuff. And we decided to use it. So will you help us?" They asked waving their hands clearing the stuff on me. "Ok I'll make the water cold you know sunny hates cold temperatures." I told them.

We crept into sunny room Atlanta conjured water, saun put seaweed in it and I made it cold. Atlanta pushes the water inside sunny's room we peeped inside sunny was looking in her closet for something or the other.


Sunny was drenched the looked on her face was priceless she looked around. We were falling on the ground holding each other for support. "I will burn you to ashes once I learn how to" she said murderously. We all rolled our eyes.

"Lunch is ready" miss cook called. We all rushed down the stairs. "Today we are going shopping for your books. Warriors cavern will start next week. I want you all ready at six" she said. We all nodded because our mouths were full of food.

"Right everyone ready? Aurora do you have your disguise on?" Miss cook asked. "Yes" we all chorused. I had purple hair,darker skin and purple eyes. I don't think anyone will notice. My name was now maya willows. We all rushed to Edwards point. Why did her house have to be so far?

"Ok So you can choose to get a Phoenix. I don't have the money. We can go get some pens and then get your books next element stones. Sounds like a plan?" We all nodded. I had been around here but I didn't know that we could get all that!

In the book shop there were hundreds of books ,even more than in the lab! "Warriors cavern book list please four sets" "yes ma'am" the shop keeper gave her four stacks of books. We exited the shop with us carrying our books in new book bags.

After getting our pens we entered the stone shop. "Amanda?"said a man that looked like miss cook and was wearing a suit behind the counter. "Oliver" miss cook exclaimed as she hugged the man. "Everyone this is my brother Oliver cook" she said gesturing to him.

"Pleasure" we said shaking his hand. "Oliver this is Atlanta bridges,Saun mowers,sunny miers and maya willows" said miss cook pointing to each of us and whispered something to Oliver seeing his face light up. "Pleasure. Your majesty" he said bowing. I giggled at his respect. "So how are things" miss cook asked leaning on the counter. "Helen joined dragon head" he said darkly. "Always knew she had something for that place" answered miss cook fuming.

"She was the one who attacked you in the night" she added I felt Atlanta pale slightly. I hope the other cooks aren't like that.

"well the king and the queen... they were captured" he said quietly. "Anna and james?!?! Who's running things" miss cook exclaimed. "King Edward is but he worries that he won't have his heir soon" Oliver states worriedly. "But enough of that! Assuming that you for are here for your stones. Follow me please" he said. We followed his through a door on our right. Inside the room were thousands of stones of different colors.

"Wands are in the back stones are straight ahead and potion makers ingredients are on the left" mr Oliver muttered under his breath. "Atlanta come here. Good,now hold this stone" the stone glowed brightly. "Perfect! My boy this is your stone" Atlanta smiled brightly. He repeated the process with the others.

Soon it was my turn. He gave me a white stone nothing happened. He gave me a dark blue one nothing happened. He gave me a light blue one it glowed brightly! "Now how would you like to wear your stone" he asked. I asked for a necklace. Sunny asked for a bracelet. The boys asked for rings seeing it was the least noticeable.

After that our shopping experience was over.

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