Forty Four: In Too Deep

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"Azalea requests your presence, both of you." She spat before whirling on her heel and marching away.

As soon as the door shut behind her, Michael picked up his mate and braced her back-first against the door, a deep moan escaping his throat when in one smooth movement, he slid into her, the wholeness of such a feeling causing his breath to stall. Her body beckoned him closer, tightening around his length, an unspoken command to which he delivered flawlessly. He moved purposefully, hitting the deepest parts of her and she responded, meeting him stroke for stroke, her legs wrapped around his waist, his arm braced against the door. Michael's red rimmed gaze met hers through a thick haze of desire, his fangs descending half-way. Camille's walls clenched around him and she gasped, the friction between them reaching untamable proportions. As the orgasm tore through her, an answering snarl came from him as his body suddenly stiffened, spilling his essence inside her one moment and taking her blood the next.

When it was over they lay exhausted on the floor, covered only in a blanket, the scent of sweat, sex, and blood filling the air.

A chuckle tore through Camille as she recalled the look on Emilee's face and the uncertain desire in her eyes. Michael's fingers caressed her cheek, a mischievous grin working his lips.

"You want her, don't you?" He licked his lips.

Camille allowed herself a brief moment to consider his words, imagining Emilee below her, her body writhing in pleasure, her head thrown back, her beautiful eyes shut. She imagined what she'd taste like, what she'd look like, her dark skin glistening and her body tightening and the mere thought had her throbbing.

Yes, she did want the girl.

"Yes," she admitted, feeling oddly ashamed for it.

As she'd explained to Azalea, vampires were very fluid. Sharing bodies was fun, simply a pleasure that came with being immortal. But there was something different about the Alaskan princess, something that had attracted her soul as well as her body. Michael's thumb brushed across her lower lip, a tender look of understanding in his eyes.

"You forget, my love, that you are a hybrid. Perhaps your witch side aches for something from her that I cannot give you, no?"

He left her to ponder and started the shower. For a while she circled his words until her mind had been made up, and only then did she join her mate in the shower, all too aware that the wolf queen and her mate waited for them, well within range of hearing.


The door to our assigned apartment slammed open, scaring the sleep from my eyes and causing me to shoot up, clutching the covers to my chest. Emilee entered in a whirlwind of icy fury, her emerald eyes blazing yellow and the bones underneath her skin shifting in agitation. I watched wide-eyed and unable to comprehend what was going on as she muttered under her breath, pacing back and forth. Elizabeth growled warningly from her spot beside me, and I placed a calming hand on her thigh, a smile twitching my lips as she visibly calmed.

"I am going to shower and attend to some business with my sister." She kissed my cheek and wrapped herself in a sheet, shooting me a look on her way out. I was mildly surprised she didn't demand that I put on clothes, but looking down I smiled at the ring on my finger. Our bond was solid. Even so, the threat I'd been anticipating came a moment later, and not from Elizabeth.

The Wolf Queen (The Queen's Slave, Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz