Thirty Four: Rabids

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"If you came to me with a face I have not yet seen, with a voice I have never heard, I would still know you. Even if centuries separated us, I would still feel you. Somewhere between the sand and the stardust, through every collapse and creation, there is a pulse that echoes of you and I.

When we leave this world, we give up all our possessions and our memories. Love is the only thing we take with us. It is all we carry from one life to the next."

-Lang Leav

Monsters By: All Time Low (feat. Blackbear)

Metal cut through the air a hairs breath away from my head and Jacob grinned, swinging his sword leisurely. My knuckles were white around he pommel of my own weapon as I glowered at him, a snarl building in my throat. He merely rose a brow at my hostility, his footsteps light as he circled me. I kept my gaze on him, knowing the second I looked away, it would be my undoing. Sweat poured down my face and back, my shirt sticking uncomfortably to my skin even as the day darkened into night.

We had begun our mission to retrieve Michael in the night, crossing through Idaho and into Nevada, taking a longer route to throw off the High Queen's lackeys. We had chosen to shelter in abandon homes, traveling only at night under the cover of the woods. But Nevada was desert, hot and unmerciful, not where we would be found.

We were creatures of the forest, therefore no one would think to hunt us here.

I had made the wary decision to take the entire pack, knowing it was a greater risk to travel with such a large group but not willing to leave them behind to be slaughtered by Ezekiel's men. I had also instructed my father, who was now my acting general, to split the pack into two groups and travel separately. I would take one half, and he the other. I was bound to each of them through the mind-link so I would know if any harm came to them, but I still grew nervous.

Especially knowing that Adam has recently been sneaking off at night. I had plans to talk to him, but I was hesitant. The boy I knew all those years ago was gone and in his place a stranger, someone damaged beyond repair.

Jacob struck, drawing me back to the present, his sword flashing in the moonlight. A grin lit my features as I spun out of the way and lashed out, parrying his block and taking advantage of his open side, the knuckles of my free hand hitting his ribs with a ruthless crack. Gasping, his eyes bulged and he dropped his weapon, clutching his side.

"You broke my ribs!" He choked, bending over at the waist.

I shrugged, sheathing my sword and kneeling to his side to inspect the damage. "Should've paid more attention instead of allowing your ego to lead your movements." His side was already purpling, but he was a sufficiently strong enough male and would heal.

"You're fine. Don't be such a baby."

I rolled my eyes and stood, raking my gaze over the slumbering group of wolves traveling with me, halting on a suspicious shadow flickering through the tall brush, a brief flash of pale skin in the moon-lit sky. Tossing my sword to Jacob and instructing him to meet me back at camp, I straightened my crown, curiosity getting the better of me. Maneuvering through the rubble of old homes, I didn't make it far before Elizabeth was at my side, her presence wrapping me in warmth and her gold eyes searching my own. I rose a brow at her and she shook her head, refusing to back down.

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