Sixty One: Rising Flame

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By: Zoe Wees



By: Escape The Fate (feat. Lindsey Sterling)

I woke with a start, my heart pounding and body aching. A headache pounded the base of my skull as I turned my head, feeling the pain lessen slightly as I caught sight of Kore. She lay on her stomach, the sheets pooled around her waist, and her wings draped, one across me while the other spread almost to the floor. Her bare back was lean with feminine muscle, and I could feel my eyes track the length of her spine. Her long hair pooled over her shoulders and I bit my lip when she mumbled in her sleep, rolling over, instinctively tucking the wing furthest away from me under her back. Shifting slowly as to not wake her, I slid out from under her wing and stepped lightly onto the floor, snatching a blanket off of the dresser and wrapping my arms around myself as I descended the stairs. When I reached the bottom, the cave entrance roared to life. The brilliant waterfall at it's opening fell gracefully.

Blue light flashed across the sky through the roaring water, and curiosity sparked from deep inside me. I found myself stepping closer and closer to the edge, feeling distant from my body as I ran my fingers through the rainbow of color, touching the dark sky through its brilliance. The light flashed again, and the dormant well of power inside me cracked open. I reached for the lightning, my wrist passing through the falls, barely feeling the weight of it. My wolf howled deep inside my mind, cowering from this otherworldly power. I paid her no mind, too drunk on the feeling of it igniting my cells. My body felt weightless and a bright flash blinded me, the sky rumbled and cracked, lightning bit my fingers, searing through my bones. I let out a gasp at the raw way it burned through my muscle and bone. I closed my eyes and groaned, fluttering my eyelashes in ecstasy as wave after wave of electrified energy hit me.

Then I was yanked back, snapping the connection between the power and myself. Still gripped in it's lethal vice, I wasn't myself when I spun on my mate, snarling, snapping my sharp teeth within millimeters of her skin. She didn't move for a long moment, and I realized that waves of lightning still caressed my skin, soothing the hurt within me. Sucking in a deep breath, she snarled right back at me, her mahogany gaze filled with such a dominant expression that my thoughts went elsewhere and my wolf bled the mating scent, saturating my pores.

Fuck. This was bad. Our power had just officially collided for the first time, and now it wanted us to destroy each other. Well, in a way. Kore's eyes lit with pure animalistic hunger and deep within our bond I felt a change within her.

Something violent was let loose.

"Your wolf wants to.....mate with me, is that right?"

She questioned seductively, reaching past the power holding me captive. I wrinkled my lip in disgust and made to dismiss her, when she pounced on me. I growled a low warning in the back of my throat, backing up, but it was too late. The animalistic hunger in her eyes multiplied tenfold and then I was blasted with the full weight of her power, and the ruthless waves of desire as she commanded me to submit. Her wings opened, and the sheet she had wrapped around herself fell to the floor, heating my blood at the sight of her succulent curves and lean muscle. Her face was all vampire, her fangs extended, her eyes black as night as she gripped my wrists painfully. A piece of the power let go of my mind then, and then another, and another. I whimpered but it felt good, and when she picked me up, scattering pots and pans off of the kitchen counter to lay me down, all of it drained away.

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