Forty: Ambush

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"I am young, I am twenty years old; yet I know nothing of life but despair, death, fear, and fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrow. I see how peoples are set against one another, and in silence, unknowingly, foolishly, obediently, innocently slay one another."

-Erich Maria Remarque

Tears of Gold By: Faouzia



The smooth wood of my bow felt like silk underneath my calloused fingers, the bark beneath my feet uneven and rough. My legs and back had begun to cramp but I held my position, my gaze flashing back and forth between Ezekiel, his men, and my brother. Owen's white hair had been dyed with mud, same as mine, and the pungent aroma worked to mask our identity as well as our scent. We'd located the prince's camp three days past and had been steadily keeping an eye on them in lupine form. After all they didn't know we were all able to shift into wolves, which put us at a distinct advantage. Three days of planning, arguing, and indecision, until finally we broke through. I decided the best way to go about this was to confront them head on rather than lie in wait for them to attack us.

Elizabeth had been furious with me, but I knew I couldn't let Ezekiel live a second time.

My brother's jaw clenched and a flash of yellow crossed his eyes as he nodded his head, motioning for his men to surround the camp. I nodded back and drew back my bow, releasing a slow breath as I aimed it towards the first lookout, releasing the arrow with a muffled twang. I watched it sail through the air and into the guard's eye socket, piercing his brain and sending him to the ground. I was grateful for the cover of the trees and the dark sky as the wolves erupted into movement, and the screaming began as our enemy were torn from limb from limb while suffering the effects of the poison our blood carried.

Four more arrows downed four more guards, the fifth a breath away from joining them when a certain redhead perched in the tree to my right caught my attention and motioned towards my neck. Gripping the pendant, I winced at the uniquely hot wave of power as she swept into my mind. It was always different using my mind to speak with her, and the best way to describe this feeling stemmed from the image of a bonfire, with me standing ten feet away.

Lowering my bow, I glowered, my body humming with adrenaline and eager to kill.

"What is it, Camille?" I grumbled impatiently.

"I have visual of a few men running north. They are escaping towards the river, boats maybe?" The silver ring surrounding her pupils flashed.

I sucked in a breath and cursed. I hadn't thought of their transportation other than the horses, many of which were throwing their mounts or feeding on them. I thanked her and searched for my mate, finding her just below me. I looked down into her black eyes and smiled at who currently wore them. I was glad for her presence but was not without wariness, having grown closer to the malevolent goddess but still appreciative of the fact that this world did not bind her to the same principles as it did the rest of us. A guard wandering a little too close to us dropped suddenly as a wave of red magic scorched through him. I wrinkled my nose at the smell of burning flesh and turned my attention north.

"I am yours to command, my queen." Kore purred through my mind, her shoulder brushing mine from her position beside me. I fought the urge to grin at the seductive tone in her voice and instead tried to focus on the matter at hand, growing distracted when Camille spoke up and I realized I still held onto the amulet.

The Wolf Queen (The Queen's Slave, Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora