Sixty Four: Restitution

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"girls, girls, girls" 




By: Greyson Chance

Author's Note: This chapter takes place shortly after Azalea meets with Emilee in the previous chapter. Enjoy! ❤️


She's still gone.

My jaw clenched as I stood in the doorway of Emilee's empty room. The cave walls seemed to shrink inward. She'd been gone too long. It was bare, and though she hadn't had many possessions anyway, her scent was faint. Immediate anger and betrayal rose within me, but I squashed it down. I had no one to blame but myself. I hurt her, pushed her to the brink, and I deserved her absence. I deserved for her to run from me, to reject me. And oh did it hurt. An exquisite sort of agony that tore right through me, ripping out everything that made me, well, me. I clenched my fists and snarled and in response a wave of red power erupted from inside me, eviscerating everything within the small space, leaving scorched stone and crumbling rock. I heaved for breath, struggling against the urge to leave right then and hunt her down. My ears picked up the sight creaking of wood as someone carefully made their way through the rubble. I tensed as Azalea stepped into what was once a room, avoiding a large hole in the center, her hand on her growing belly.

"Get out." My demon snarled at her, backed into a corner. Her eyes flashed pure azure, glowing back at me.

"I know you won't hurt me." She simply said, a sad smile curving across her mouth.

"Leave me!" I roared at her to leave, but she stayed stubbornly put.


Something dark unfurled inside me at her resistance and in the span of a millisecond I was in front of her, working very hard to intimidate her as I backed her into the wall until only a slight gap separated us. She looked back at me with a stubborn sort of defiance and I swallowed, my throat burning. The small sliver of humanity still inside of me was disgusted that I was intimidating a pregnant woman, but the demon didn't care. It only desired obedience and blood, and right now, I really wanted a fucking drink.

"This isn't you." She said softly, reaching up to brush my cheek. I caught her wrist, a tremor wracking my frame as I struggled to not snap the fragile bones just beneath her skin.

"You need to leave. Before I do something that will get me killed." I warned her, but I knew it would take more than that to convince her to go. The longer she was here the harder it was for my demon to pretended we didn't care.

"Why do you really want me to leave?" She challenged. My grip slackened, a bit of control and clarity returning to me at the suddenness of the question.

"Give me one good reason why, and I'll leave." She waited, crossing her arms.

"Because I'm positively famished, sweetheart." My words were whispered silk across in her mind as I amped up the power, watching her pupils dilate in response to my seductive power.

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