Seventy One: The Wedding

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"Take love, multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever.....and you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you." 

-Meet Joe Black

"I Want You" (feat. Moonlet)

By: SRTW & Roxy Tones


"It's OK"

By: Nightbirde


It was all a slow blur.

The world flashed by me in a mirage of faces, movements, questions and measurements. Red hair flashed across my eyesight through the reflection of the mirror, Camille's soft fingers buttoned the butt of my gown, and I smoothed my hands over the front of the bodice with a wishful sigh. It fit perfectly against my skin, and I relished the cool air on my open back, the new and old scar tissue spoke of my journey to here, and I tried to convince myself I wasn't vain for parading my dominance around, even at my own wedding. I met Emilee's eyes through the mirror, grateful that she had stayed long enough to be my maid of honor. She hasn't told me yet that she was leaving, but I knew. I saw it in her eyes when she stole glances at Camille like I couldn't see her. I recognized the shadows in them, the darkness she battled. Jealousy was a dangerous thing for a dominant wolf born female. I was not happy that she was leaving, but I was not an alpha that would command her subjects to heel. My wolves are every bit of human as myself.

I held my breath as a light coating of red magic dusted my face, and I blinked with a sneeze, taking account the new length of my eyelashes and the red lipstick coating my lips. She moved aside and I gasped, my hand going to my face, watching my reflection do the same, unable to comprehend that the woman in the mirror was me. My skin glowed a healthy tan, my eyelids dusted in silver eyeshadow with a beautifully delicate wing of black ink spreading outward from the corners of my eyes. The dark color and mercury-silver shadow brought out the blue of my eyes perfectly, and the glow of my skin only intensified as a bright yellow ring slowly traced my irises until my wolf was looking back at me.

My hand fell from my face and settled on my stomach as I took it all in. The dress I wore hugged and flowed stunningly down my waist and legs, flaring out in a beautiful pattern of dying leaves from my waist down. Gorgeous vines of lace filigree decorated the v-cut bodice, trailing around the curves of my breasts as if it were true forest greenery. Tiny little diamonds sparkled inside their flowers with every move I made. Everything about this moment was so beautiful I didn't dare breathe, too afraid it would be gone. I ran my fingers carefully over my hair, the thick snow white strands had been curled into loose curls that flowed down my bare back, the top half piled into a gorgeous fishtail braid that when pulled out and finished rippled strands of iridescent silver throughout my hair. My crown sat snugly on my head, the running wolves glinting in contrast to my dress. I blinked rapidly when my eyes began to tear up, watching the moisture brighten my eyes. Camille's hands landed on my bare shoulders, rubbing my arms gently as I struggled to take it all in. I met her eyes in the mirror, my lips curling up as her mouth parted, her gaze scanning my face with pride and something else, something raw.

"You're going to smear your makeup." She warned softly, her fingers featherlight against my throat as she brushed my hair over my shoulders so that the full length of it covered my back.

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