Sixteen: Conduit

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Monsters By: Timeflies (feat. Katie Sky)

My mother's voice rippled with pain and rage as she spoke through her fangs, her body taunt with tension as she surveyed our body language with calculated awareness. The joy I felt at seeing her was snuffed out as Camille appeared in front of me, her lips pulled back to reveal elongated canines. Though it was unnecessary because I knew without a doubt that my mother would never harm me, it was somewhat odd to have her protection. But then I understood why this was a very real threat, as my aunt stepped out from behind my mother.

"Come now sister, whatever happened to "cradle to grave?" She grinned, her milky gaze running over the spot I was in. My wolf roared in fury, slamming against the bars of its cage, demanding vengeance. My mother growled when Camille reached back in an attempt to calm me, the low sound oddly wolf-like as it vibrated through the air. Her eyes flashing with animalistic possessiveness and a keen sense of warning should the witch move to touch me again. My wolf howled at the threatening sound, vibrating my bones with the force of her longing. Gritting my teeth, I fought against the urge to fall to the ground and give in to the urge coursing through me.


At my pained tone, she immediately strode over to me. Wordlessly Camille stepped aside, her watchful gaze pinned on my aunt. I sighed into her hair and breathed in her scent as my mother wrapped me in her arms, pulling back when I winced. Her narrowed gaze made me sweat as she looked me up and down, her nostrils flaring. "You smell like her." She growled, unreadable emotion flashing across her eyes. I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck and studying the ground as my face blanched.

"Did she hurt you?" Her voice was deadly as she bit out the question, her eyes flooding with redness. My head jerked up so fast I swayed, blinking back stars. I needed to fix this situation before my mother attempted to tear through the woods on a murderous rampage, hellbent on tracking down my mate.

"No! I mean I thought she would........and we fought. But then we were talking and our fighting turned into......" I paused to clear my throat, glaring Camille as she snorted back her laughter.

"Something else." I murmured sheepishly.

"I see." I winced at her flat tone, aware that I just publicly admitted to having had sex with Elizabeth. Many times. Having thought to have lost my mother at a young age, my father did the best he could at raising me. But attempting to pull a damaged kingdom together while raising two boys and a daughter was hard enough with two parents, let alone one. Not to mention that once I grew older, it became obvious which gender I preferred. I had no one to explain these things to me, and it was a harsh understanding for the both of us. I wanted to cower beneath her sharp gaze yet I forced myself to remain tall. I was an adult wolf, mated and the heir to the throne. Even as a vampire my mother was still considered Queen until I begin my rein, but I would not cower before her.

"Why are you here?" I asked softly, gripping her forearms in my hands.

She searched my face before jerking her head towards her sister, her jaw flexing. "Vienna had a vision leading us to believe your life was in danger. Once I learned that Elizabeth had snatched you up, I left at once. Since she is not here to threaten my life, I assume she is back at the palace?" She directed the question at Camille who nodded stonily from her seemingly "relaxed" position against the oak, her gaze still pinned on my aunt.

The Wolf Queen (The Queen's Slave, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now