Two: Havoc

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"Chaos isn't a pit, chaos is a ladder."


North Dakota By: Mako

I am the lone wolf
Running through the forest
I used to have a family
But the hunter got them, and left only me.

I wander through the forest,
Alone without my pack.
I often think back to that day,
If I could only have them back.

Like a coward I did,
I ran and hid,
Leaving my family for dead.
If only I had not fled.

I walk along the river,
And guess who I see.
It's that same hunter,
He's come back for me.

I do not run away,
I do not show fear.
I know what will happen,
I will die right here.

I lie down before the hunter,
I know that I deserve it.
My family, I should not have deserted.

He points his gun at me,
And my last thoughts are,
'This could have all been avoided
If only I had not fled.'
The lone wolf is dead.

-by Aislynn Warren

The sky growled and spit lightning as we ran for the mountain, ducking our heads against the raging winds and rain that pelted our backs and left our bodies stinging with cold. My base fur was thick and tough, with an even thicker overlaying layer that protected me from the elements. But even with the added protection, my paws were cut and tender from climbing, my short nails were not made for mountain climbing, but the Queen's men had forced us up here, so here we were. My pack was hard to spot as they flattened themselves against the narrow mountainside, their clothing plastered to their emaciated bodies, their lips blue with cold. A half bark, half yelp snuck out of me as a piece of mountain suddenly gave way beneath my feet. Owen cried out as I slipped, jumping for the ledge at the last second, nearly missing the jagged rock. Panting, I heaved my body up, my legs shaking with exhaustion.

Forcing my problems aside, I took stock of my group, a fierce wave of protectiveness overcoming me as I watched them brave the harsh elements and crumbling rock. My keen eyesight followed their bodies until the large mouth of the cave became visible. It had once been the location of my father's headquarters. Suddenly grateful for my wolf's body, as I was part den animal, the wolf did not mind the dark and was not claustrophobic. My human body on the other hand, loathed small spaces. I would have to sleep in my wolf skin tonight if I had any hope of staying sane. Owen's blue eyes met mine as he shouted over the wind. "Come on! We are almost there!" I barked in response, forcing my lagging body after them.

It seemed as if hours had gone by when we finally reached the cave. I stood at its mouth while the others settled down for the night, my heart clenching as they shivered and huddled together for warmth. Despite having gone two days without food, not one person complained. Lighting flashed in the dark clouds, a jagged streak of light sailing through the air, leaving the scent of burnt wood behind. I settled on my haunches as I overlooked the vast forest, searching for any sign of the vampires that hunted us. My paws ached and burned where the rough terrain had cut them. Once I had determined that we were not being hunted, I settled down to lick at the tender skin, whimpering at the thought of climbing down tomorrow. My ears flattened as a form settled beside me, a low growl hovering at the base of my throat, an injured wolf's way of warning the others to stay clear. But looking into Emilee's soft eyes, I fought past the aggression and allowed her to take a look at my paws. As she directed her attention to the area, I studied her. I could almost see the color of wolf she'd be, a beautiful russet brown with a splash of red throughout her fur, complimenting her hair. Her amber eyes surrounded by the same dark fur, cascading down her back into a silky mane.

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