Turning to look at the clumps mood fur, Azula let her eyes travel along the trail of it. Azula hummed before looking at Mai, Ty Lee, and Kira. "The avatar is trying to give us the slip. You two head in that direction and keep your eye out for the bison." Azula instructed Mai and Ty Lee, pointing the opposite way that Mai said. "Kira and I will follow this trail." Azula spoke as Mai and Ty Lee climbed aboard their mongoose lizard, following the trail like they were told. Azula, on the other hand climbed among hers, helping Kira on behind her.


Kira wiped her forehead, sighing at the heat. Finally after a awhile of following the long trail, Azula and Kira saw the Avatar sitting in the middle of a broken down town. "Alright, you've caught up with me. Now, who are you both and what do you want?" The young boy questioned Azula and Kira. Azula smirked as she helped Kira down. An indicator that Azula was about to tease the boy. Kira stood next to Azula, keeping her eyes trained on him, mesmerized, slightly, by his tattoos. She had to admit, they looked kind of cool.

Azula let out a laugh. She crossed her arms moving slightly in a protective stance over Kira. "You mean, you haven't guessed? You haven't seen the family resemblance? Here's a hint." She looked at him, her smirk growing wider at this point. She then placed her hand over her right eye, lowering her voice. "I must find the Avatar and restore my honor." She movies Zuko, but the boy wasn't amused. "It's okay, you can laugh. It's funny." Azula said, dropping her hand fully to her side. She was ready to finally fight and destroy the Avatar.

The Avatar sighed, rubbing his temples. He looked like he was struggling to fall asleep. Something he and Kira had in common at the moment, if Kira was honest. "So, what now?" The boy with tattoos questioned. Kira felt slightly bad for the boy. He didn't know what was coming.

A look of anger fell upon Azula's features. She was in disbelief at his question. "Now? Now, it's over. You are tired, and you have no other place to go. You can run, but I will catch you." Azula stated confidentially. Kira couldn't help but admire Azula's confidence as she stood before the boy who was supposed to be the most powerful bender in the world.

The boy with arrow tattoos sighed before standing up. His hands clenched his staff into his hands. "I'm not running." He stated, his grey eyes glaring into Azula. Kira felt a rush of inspiration from the boy as he stoof there, not giving up. For just a kid, he proved he was strong and wouldn't back down no matter what. As Azula smirked, Kira frowned a bit. However, she reminded herself who her loyalty was to. Azula, her lover and her best friend. Her loyalty would forever be for Azula and Azula only,

Azula stood there though too. She stood there so strong, it reminded Kira why Azula held her loyalty and why she wouldn't ever give up for her. "Do you really want to fight me?" The Fire Nation princess tested the boy as she glanced at Kira. "Do you really want to fight us?" Azula questioned him, pointing to Kira from behind her. Kira didn't know it, but she was making Azula stronger. She wouldn't let the Avatar harm the girl she couldn't even hesitate to love, though she tried. Therefore, she was going to fight the avatar just as hard or harder than however he fought her.

Yet, another person joined the party. The sound of Ostrich Horse feet filled Kira's wars as a boy appeared. Kira recognized him immediately with the scar. "I'm not sure I want to fight Kira, but yes, I do want to fight you, Azula." The boy called Zuko's name in shock as the boy threw his straw hat away from him. It was as if he was revealing himself for the first time, yet his scar revealed his identity easily.

Azula laughed a bit, crossing her arms back. "I was wondering when you'd show up Zuzu." Azula smirked, making the boy giggle softly and question the choice of nickname. It was his childhood nickname that he used to hate. However, when Kira called him Zuzu, he didn't mind. Though, it was rare because Kira knew how much Zuko hated it.

Zuko's face filled with anger as he got into a fighting stance. Kira watched, pulling water out from her bag, ready to protect her princess. "Back off, Azula. He's mine." Zuko stated, making Azula roll her eyes. He was very easy to annoy. Just call him Zuzu and try to fight the avatar and you will cause Zuko, the Fire Nation Prince, a lot of pain.

She mirrored him, finding her fighting stance as well. Kira sighed, doing the same, pulling the rest of her water out. "I am not going anywhere." Azula told Zuko. The seconds after felt like hours as Kira waited to see who would bring the first move into the fight. She wasn't surprised when it was Azula and her blue flames filled the air, knocking Zuko off his feet and into a building. She also wasn't surprised to see the fear on the boys face as he began to fly away from Azula. However, Azula wouldnt allow that as she sent a wave of fire to him and climbed up a building as he tried to save himself. Kira came to her assistance, sending ice shards at the boy to slow him down.

Zuko finally got up and orange and blue flames filled the air, accompanied by water whipping through the skies at the boy. Soon, Zuko was knocked out again and Aang was stuck in a building full of flames as Azula came closer to the Avatar. However, the Southern Water Tribe girl rushed towards Kira, knocking her to the ground quickly and going to help her friend. Kira got up, only to see the water bender trying to get Azula out of the building, giving her friend time to recover. It worked too as Azula chased after the girl quickly. Soon, the water tribe boy appeared out of nowhere, and Azula and Kira were surrounded by the avatar, the water tribe boy, and the water tribe girl. Kira glared at the three, keeping a close eye on them.

The fight was going well in Kira and Azula favor as they were weakening the avatar's team before the ground moved from under them. "I thought you guys could use some help." A girl said behind Kira before Sokka knocked Kira out. The sound of Azula's anger filled the air and that was the last thing Kira heard.

𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑬𝑺𝑺    azula   Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum