36: Preparation

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Request *Patricia X Y/N.  ( Patricia has to get The Beasts new bride used to feeling. "Winks"* )

Patricia has plans for this newest edition for The Beast, a bride just for him.

This 18 year old girl named Y/N was pure and untouched. She was perfect for him. Patricia wanted to teach her to be even better for The Beast and learn not to be scared of close encounters with him and learn to feel good with him. Y/N is so innocent.

"My dear Y/N, come here I'll brush those tangles out of your hair." Patricia tells her. Y/N just had gotten out of the shower and was clean and smelling nice like flowers.

She brushes the girls hair smiling as she does it.

Y/N's POV:

"Why am I here?" I ask her. She looks at me and grins "why, you are for The Beast my little one. You are to be his bride, his chosen one."

"But I don't know anything about being a bride." I tell her with a teary look on my face. "Don't worry yourself so, I will show you how to get used to being with him, and enjoying yourself." Patricia tells me.

"Lay down on the bed, and open your legs." She tells me. I do still a little hesitant.

"Don't worry dear, I won't hurt you. Just relax."

She rubs my thighs slowly going upwards and I hold my breath not sure on what to feel. "Breath" She tells me. Her hands come up to my pussy and gently rubs my clit and my slit making me squirm some. "What are you doing to me?" I ask.

"Shh, I'm trying to get you prepared "

"Prepared ?" I question. "Yes, I am simulating you so you have more wetness. Then when I teach you, it will feel better." Patricia assures me.

I start feeling an ache in my belly starting to build slowly. I can't help but moan "uuh" I try not to do it to loudly because I'm to embarrassed.

"Alright then, I think you are ready." She tells me. "Now open your eyes and watch carefully at what I do."

I look to see her push a finger into my pussy and my body jumps at the action. It feels good but odd at the same time. Patricia chuckles at my reaction and continues.

Her finger is inside me "Alright now this is what you do to reach your spot inside you that will be stimulated during your time with the Beast. Pay attention." She tells me adding a second finger and pushes them a little deeper.

I'm breathing hard at this point feeling almost light headed, the feeling is so foreign to me. But not to bad. Then she curls her fingers and starts rubbing my so called spot and it feels awkward at first but then I start feeling this aching pressure.

Patricia asks me "Are you hurting at all. I assure you I don't want to go to far and take away what the Beast, I mean your future husband most desires from you." I shake my head no.

Her fingers move faster against it making me moan a little louder. "UUh pleaase!" My hips push down more to feel her fingers more. I feel the ache really coming now making my muscles tighten around her fingers as they move.

My head is swimming now, I grip onto Patricia's skirt hard, my knuckles turning white.

She's humming a tune as she's fingering me going at a fast pace.

I shout "Patricia! uuhh I feel..I Feel it..cum.. cuum, cummingg!" I moan loudly as I cum hard.

My body is shaking from the little after shocks pulsating through my most sensitive areas. I'm breathing hard and have beads of sweat covering my body.

Patricia gently removes her fingers, then she goes into the bathroom and washes her hands. Then comes back.

"I think your ready my dear Y/N." she grins.


*Request for: NancyS***. *

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