4: So Sweet

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*Dennis X Casey Cooke  (Takes place in the Split movie after Patricia gets the Walkie talkie away from Casey and leads her back to her room. )

Alternate Scene.

Dennis comes back in the room after Patricia told him to explain to Casey the meaning of the evening.

He stares at Casey now his eyes roaming over her form. He looks away a moment and cringes.

His face becomes stern as he says "You have dust all over your shirt and pants..Please take it off." He rubs the bridge of his nose with his fingers. Trying to keep it together.

He looks back up at her and she is standing but going about taking off her clothing a little to slowly. "What do I have to do come over there and take it off for you?!" He yells out in frustration. But then he stops himself and takes a nice slow breath and rubs his hand over his head.

"I'm trying to be good here" He says in almost a whisper. She finally gets her shirt and pants off. She stands in front of him in her black bra and blue panties. A little flushed in the face.

After a moment of looking her at her breasts and legs, he notices the marks on her body. "Who did that?" He asks her. She looks down a little and says "Maybe I'll tell you in time but..I can't now."

He says to her as he closes the gap between them "You are pure" He shivers some saying the words. "You can tell me when your ready" he says softy. She just whispers "Thank you."

He looks at her in awe feeling something stirring deep inside him. Then it happens, he sees the dust in her hair and he grits his teeth. "Dammit!" he shouts. Making Casey jump a bit.

"I'm sorry I yelled but.. You got dust in your hair and maybe on your body." He says in a stern voice.

He takes a hold of her hand and leads her into the bathroom. He says to her "relax" as one hand reaches into the shower and turns the water on getting it to the right temp. He then slowly wraps his arms around her chest to her back and unsnaps her bra.

She takes a deep breath as he does it. He then slips his fingers underneath her underwear and slowly slips them down her thighs and legs taking them off.

He folds them neatly and lays them on the side of the sink. He then turns and looks at her. Her cheeks are flushed pink and her lips are sexy and full. He takes a step closer and says "Get in and get clean"

She looks a bit freaked out. She says "no" with a little pout.

Dennis leans in and says "so I guess you are going to make me do this then?" he grabs her and puts her down into the tub not really caring that he's getting his clothes wet too.

He holds her there with one hand and the other hand gets the soap and cloth. She's struggling a bit. He yells in a gruff voice "Stay still! You made me do this!" He gets the cloth soapy enough and then sits on the edge of the tub and holding her down with a hand on her shoulder.

The other hand rubbing the washcloth on her skin a little to fast and rough at first. She's being a little bit babyish acting.

it would be almost cute to him if it wasn't so damn tiring. Then he reaches down between her legs and starts washing not as hard but as quick as he can to get it over with. After a min of it, she stops struggling. He looks up and she's breathing hard with her eyes closed.

There's water in the tub now not going down the drain because the towel fell off the hook and into the tub blocking the drain.

He catches himself staring at her face, her soft features all flushed in pink and her mouth is parted a little as she breathes. He rubs a little faster and she makes a small mewl.

He can feel his pants get tighter as he gets down on his knees next to the tub so he can reach her better. He's rubbing the cloth on her pussy and then his fingers slowly go underneath it. They start rubbing against her clit. She moans and bites her lower lip. He feels like he's going crazy as he presses himself against the side of the tub.

His glasses keep fogging up due to the heat in the room. He rubs his hand against them. She leans back more against the wall of the tub lifting her hips. He drops the washcloth and keeps rubbing her clit, he then reaches his other hand in and slides 2 fingers inside her pussy.

She leans in more towards him and her chin is on his shoulder. He moves his fingers faster then curling them upwards to rub her sweet spot. She moans in his ear. He grits his teeth and and says "Ooh Casey, you are so warm and slick." He breathes hard.

She starts curling her toes and she moans "OOh Dennissss!!" as she cums hard around his fingers. He made a loud grunt as she did so.

They look at each other for the longest time. He gets her to stand up and he wraps a towel around her and dries her off. When she steps out of the shower, He kisses her softly.

He lifts her up into his arms and carries her bridal style into her room and lays her down onto her bed. He covers her with the blankets and tucks her in. He then leans in and kisses her and says ''Goodnight, sweet Casey" She smiles at him.

He turns and opens the door to leave with a thought coming to his mind as he looks down.

*I guess I'm going to have to clean these pants* He smirks and leaves Casey falling into a blissful sleep.


*Story request for DennisC****, *

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