41: Carved

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Request  *Dennis X Female Reader. (Dennis finds you as a pure because of your scars )

The Horde was up to their ways once again getting Dennis to take 3 new girls for The Beast to feed on. The girls were acting up as they usually do when they try to escape. So Dennis had to separate them into different rooms.

Dennis was so angry that they get him in trouble with Patricia all the time, her saying things like *You never do anything right!* He grabs his head and shouts!

He heads off to one of the rooms to see one of the girls, he needs to settle down with something.

Reader's POV

It has been an hour now since us girls had been separated from each other. You're not sure what to do at this point, you're scared and alone.

The door unlocks and He, the man who took us comes in, he stands their staring at me for the longest time then he walks to me and says "Get up" You get up and he sits down on the end of the bed. He looks mad almost with his furrowed brow. You stand in front of him now and wait for him to say anything.

"Dance for me" He asks me. I look at him a little shocked but you really don't want to piss this guy off, You already seen what he can do. "Okay" You say shyly and you start moving you're hips back and forth, turning you're body around once in awhile. He's looking at you with the same look as before but a glint in those piercing blue eyes that make you feel strange inside your lower belly.

Dennis is staring at me and it's making me feel a bit fluttery. He then takes a hold of my hand and pulls me into his arms and holds me closer, he can't help himself for some reason. Dennis is sniffing your neck then kissing it slowly. You can't help but moan and his mouth moves over your jaw and onto your mouth, kissing passionately.

A strong make out session happens between you both, small moans escaping both of you. It feels hot between you. His hands come down to the bottom of your shirt and he lifts it off of you.

He looks down and is in awe but then see's the Word WHORE carved into your stomach, he gets very still and then looks up into your eyes. "What happened?" He asks you. You look down at it and back up to his eyes "A couple of guys had their way with me a couple of days ago and then one held me down and the other craved it into me" You say with sadden eyes.

"You're Pure..you are like me and the others. You're not for The Beast." He tells you with a small smile.

"I am?" You ask. 

"Yes, I must take you home now." He tells you.

Dennis gets up and goes for the door trying to get you to follow "wait.." You say suddenly making him turn and look at you. "I don't want to go home. I don't want to go back to my drunk ass mom and abusive father! I want to stay here with you." You tell him almost begging.

He gets a wondering look on his face like he's in deep thought. "Alright you can stay, but.. as long as you don't get in the way of our plan." He then takes off his shirt and starts howling in pain becoming the Beast.

He stands then tall and strong looking at you with those dark eyes and smiles. "Come let me show you"

You follow him into the other rooms and one by one he kills the girls you were kidnapped with, ripping at their flesh then eating parts of it like some wild animal. When he's done he turns to you and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "Will you help us in our cause and kill the Impure?"

You say "Yes I will help, rid the world of Impure's, but I also want to be with Dennis."

The Beast laughs "You can have him, but you will have to do something for me as well for your part of being able to stay with us."

You ask "What's that then?" He smiles wickedly at you "I want you to start baring my children, we need more pure's in the world." You look at him and tilt your head. "If I get Dennis then I'll do anything you ask." He grins and says "Good welcome to the horde"

"I do need some time to recuperate before I start, if that's okay." You ask. He nods.

Weeks later.

Everything is going great for you and Dennis and you have been a real help in their grand cause.

You have been helping with getting rid of the Impure's they kidnap and you are getting used to it.

Days and days go by and you hear screams from the Impure's over and over again playing like tunes on a radio. Your learning much from it and are grateful that you're here.

Dennis and you are spending some time together sitting on your bed, talking and making out. You look at him and look deeply into his eyes and smile. "Dennis, can I ask you something?"

He looks at you "Anything. Ask away" You get all shy acting but you have to ask this "Will you show me how a girl should lose their virginity."  Dennis licks his lips  "Yes, I could do that. But are you sure your ready now?"

You nod. "Let's eat some dinner first and then we can, okay?" he tells you. "Okay" you smile.

You both eat and have some drinks with it. You feel a little tipsy so Dennis carries you back tot he bedroom and lays you down gently. He takes his shoes off and lays beside you.

"Do you want it now?" He asks you. "Yes I do, Dennis" you say with a smile.

Dennis takes off your clothes and looks at you, his hands rub all over your body making it feel relaxed. He's taking his time with you getting you ready. He leans down and sucks on your nipples making you mewl, his tongue licks you all over slowly driving you crazy, you're getting wet now from his caresses.

Now that your wet and in need he slowly enters you little by little getting you used to the feeling of his cock inside of your pussy. It feels so different but hot, he kisses you and then pushes himself into you all the way, breaking through taking your sweet virginity. You lay there and close your eyes as you try to adjust to his size. It only hurts a little while but slowly it gets to be a sweet full feeling.

You make out more and he starts to thrust more, his hands on your hips then wrapping your legs around him so he can go faster.

An hour passes by and both of you are moaning and feeling the heat between you. The ache feeling like it wants to explode. Dennis or you guess both him and The Beast is grunting and groaning as they move in and out of you harder.

You both suddenly cum together and it's so wonderful. You have never felt anything like it.

You both fall together and lay beside each other holding each other. "I love you" He tells you breathing hard.

You smile " I love you too. You and the others are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I never want to leave." "I never want you to leave either" he kisses your head.

Time passes by and both of you are married, you start a life together that is happy. You have more children together as well. Real pure children that will reign one day.

As for The Beast's plan...it continues with a vengeance.


*Request for:  EmilyC. *

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